Author Topic: Has anyone actually received their physical boxed edition of Quest for Infamy?  (Read 85766 times)

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Beginning of September BT (not you, not me, BT!) said in this discussion thread: “I only get to a few a day“.
It's close to end of January right now, right?
So.. doing the math.. (and reduce it to just three a week):
20 weeks! 3 packages! 60 packages!!
Because of global shipping, long distance, a lot still on the way, bla bla, reduce it to 30!
30 deliveries since September! I think this is progress! And it's awesome!
Sadly, still no new sign of any single delivery since!
Of course, the receivers are so full of joy that he/ she didn't share that moment.
Seriously? I mean, s e r i o u s l y? We aren't 10 years old anymore, are we?

But my main point is the following.
Obviously, we are two groups of people:

“The believer”

Still say the delay is maybe not cool but ok; BT will handle all and get things done.
Maybe this year – maybe in five – who knows. **

“The doubters”
Had enough of all the “next week”-promises because - at least it seems the way – no actions followed.

The long and endless discussions won't strengthen or weaken each groups points.
Right now we go in circles and will continue going in circles the next five pages of discussions.
Only thing that changes is the tone. It will get more and more aggressive.
That, as ONE group with the same goal, doesn't help us at all.

The missing puzzle piece is BT.
He is the only one who really knows what's going on.
He is the only one who really can weaken / strengthen arguments.
How? Simply by action!

Right now I would say he's weakening it because he don't take a firm stand.
“The believers” can argue that he has a private life, a kid, things to take care of.
As a result he don't checks the forum every day.
I agree and disagree.
If he is able to he wants to clear this up and get things done.
If he's doing it – he should invest a very little time to share that progress with us.
Updates are important 'cause they lead to transparency.
And hey, I want that he has a great life and enjoys every possible moment with his wife and kid and so.
And you know what, he IS sharing THAT on Facebook very frequently.
So he HAS time for taking pictures, sharing it with his fb-friends, and even adds a few sentences every time.
Is it so hard to use one of the channels – kickstarter board, kickstarter updates, his own forum – to communicate?
I already made a few constructive suggestions: link
Easy to implement plus super effective.
And hey, if I would be BT, the next 3-10 packages would be for all of us of because: easiest way to “shut down” people is by making them happy :-)

So please, BT, I'm tired of the discussions here, any update for your believers or doubters would be heavily appreciated by both groups :-)

Big thanks in advance.

** PS. Doing the math again; if he really sends out three packages a week how long will it take till all MUST HAVE received their items? I mean it's not 10,000 packages we're talking about, right? Wouldn't it be really odd AFTER THAT TIMEFRAME to still getting the same story told? ;-)


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Might as well scream into a well for all the good it does anyone.

BT claimed over on the KS page that he wasn't hard to find, and how easy it is to get a hold of him. Yet when we post on his actual forums, what sort of response do we get? Nothing.

So line up Brandon and anyone else who wants to make excuses. I'd love to hear your rational as to why BT has been MIA for over 3 weeks, going on a month at this point. Tell us how hard his life is that responding to any of this is just totally out of the question. Explain what he *really* meant when he told us how easy he was to get a hold of.

Did he promise that on a Friday? Because I know we have already established that things he promises on a Friday don't actually have any meaning (one of the absolute most fucking ridiculous things I've ever read in defense of someone else).

Go ahead and tell me what he really meant when he offered me a refund. Or what he really meant when he said swore he was sending out 3 packages a week.

This is pathetic.

Hey BT. I've been patient long enough. You threw a little fit when I threatened legal action, about how I didn't give you a chance. Well, you've had your chance. You have chosen to ignore the PM I sent you. You have ignored this thread. You have ignored the kickstarter comment section.

So, to be clear here, you owe many of us physical rewards for the first game. You owe many of us a third game. And you owe many of us physical rewards for the second and third game. Just wanted to make it clear this isn't about one guy bitching about where his box is.


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Did he promise that on a Friday? Because I know we have already established that things he promises on a Friday don't actually have any meaning (one of the absolute most fucking ridiculous things I've ever read in defense of someone else).

Haha dude, you took that waaay too seriously.  ;D 'Twas meant as a joke (but thanks for making me giggle :D ).

"Ha ha! Little graveyard humor there!"


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at this point im kinda hoping he is ok.

bit worried bout him, bt that is.

dont give up the fight mate, must seem like the world is caving in.
here to is bad, been in and out of hosptital with meniere's disease..its ripping me apart.

hugz and hopes

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K0sh suggested above that BT is pretty consistent on posting to his facebook. I don't care to check myself as I'm not out to stalk the guy, but that would suggest he is simply ignoring this situation and that his life goes on as usual.


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well at least that means he is alive, thats a plus
was worried bout him

I dont have nor use FB, so.

I wouldnt have noticed, but pms to bt just asking how he even is go without reply.
so I was getting worried bout' him

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I don't think it gets labelled as "stalking" when you have unfinished business with a person and wonder how he/she is doing.


Woah, this is getting a bit dark. I can assure you that, unless if robots have taken hold of his social media accounts, he is alive. :D
"Ha ha! Little graveyard humor there!"


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I'll leave it to others to determine his facebook status. The simple fact is he ought to be active on his own bloody forums.


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I don't care to check myself as I'm not out to stalk the guy
We're friends on FB.
So he shows up in my timeline at least every 2 days.

Someone asked at the SIERRA GAMERS fb group who else is excited about the Order of the Thorne sequel.
15 hours ago - it took Steven only 7 hours to reply:
"Yep! We are currently at work on Pt II of Order of the Thorne, called "Fortress of Fire". We're going to be releasing that and a QFI Prequel, Roehm to Ruin, this year. After that, things are unclear. It's hard to be a full-time adventure game developer, because as much as we love it, they don't sell enough copies to sustain a business."

So yeah - he is alive and fine ;-)
Why he is not able to reply to his own forum?
Again, only he will know.
I know for sure he has some good reasons for that.
But again, I stopped believing any.

But hey, we should be all glad!
He's not wasting time here - he is sending packages, right??
(who finds the irony can keep it!!)


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BT is perfectly fine. He is too busy going to Disneyworld to deal with us.

As you can see from his reddit profile, he pretty much posts exclusively to the disneyworld subreddit, and he has been mutliple times in the past year.

Any argument that he doesn't have the money to send off items goes right out the window when you realized what he spends it on. Any argument that he doesn't have time to ship items goes right out the window when you realize he spends day and night on social media and reddit. Any argument that he doesn't have time to check his KS pages or respond here on the forums goes right out the window when you see he posts daily to his various accounts.

I have begun writing an article about BT's shenanigans, broken promises, absences, and false claims. So far I have interest from mutiple tech & game blogs in publishing it once it is finished. I am also going to post it on every adventure game forum I can find, subreddit, and any other place that has people who care about such things.

On top of all that, I am going to follow through my my original threats of legal action. Anyone who reads through this thread can see I have given Steven ample time to respond and I gave him multiple options to avoid this. From refunding me (which he originally said he would do) to being transparent about the process (which he is incapable of).  All the evidence I need is right here and in the kickstarter comments.

I have been patient. I have been clear about what I intended to do. I have offered several alternatives to legal action. I have offered to assist. I have offered BT time for explanation. I have given him multiple opportunities to follow through on his promises, and he has broken every single one of them.


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Hi guys, yeah, I haven't checked the forums in a while - I'm sorry about that.  As K0SH noted, we are working on our new games and as I talked about in another thread with @Chadly , I talked about how Shawn and I are basically working on this alone together on Skype.

Yeah, I did make a trip with my family to Orlando over President's Day weekend in January.  Some of you may remember that my wife's picture on Splash Mountain went viral last year, and as a result, we were invited to come back down for this weekend.  We don't get opportunities like this often, so - of course - we accepted.  We got to have a babymoon before my daughter arrives in April, and we got to take my son again.  We're lucky, and it's all because of a silly picture that went viral.

I'm sorry for the delays, as usual - I haven't posted an update yet because right now, it'd just be more "I'm working on it." and that gets redundant.  I am working on it, but right now I had to put all the boxes that contain the various elements of the boxes (The DVDs, the art card inserts, brochures, red-eye magnifying glasses, boxes of the companions, the boxes that hold the folded up big-boxes, the buttons, the stickers, etc. Shipping Boxes) into storage during the holidays, and I haven't been able to take them out to set them up as a station to make, package and get them ready for shipping.  The room I was doing it in is now my son's playroom, as he's walking and playing now.  We have a small house and a ton of junk everywhere, honestly.

Yes, also, I've had some personal health problems I didn't want to talk about, but for the last two months, the labs and checkups for my transplanted kidney have not been good.  I've been extremely anemic, and they think I may be bleeding internally somewhere, but they don't know where.  I've been having lots of doctor's appointments, tests, etc - and I have more coming.  I have an ultra-sound on my kidney and bladders this week, and next week, I have to have a colonoscopy, as they think it could be possible I have a bleeding cancerous tumor.  So, yeah, I'm sorry but I've been trying to deal with the stress of knowing my kidney could possibly be failing, I might have cancer, I have a one year old son, and a daughter on the way.  I know everyone suffers their own problems, but these have been weighing on me, and definitely impacting my life.

I'm working on the boxes and packages.  I have to get some help to try and set up an area where we can pack these things up, get them ready to go out, and get them shipped.  I'm trying.  I'll get there - so, you can send me messages on reddit, and even post nasty things about me there, but it's not like I'm doing things to spite you, or laugh at you, or make fun of you.  I'm just a guy, and I have my failings - I'm proud of the work my team did on making Quest for Infamy - I think it's a great adventure game.  I'm sorry I haven't done as well on the physical rewards.  Don't think it doesn't take up rent in my head or add to my stress, because it does.  The game matters to me, you matter to me, and getting you your rewards matters to me.  I'm not some huckster like so many other kickstarters.  This side of it, however, has gotten the better of me and I'm struggling to keep my head above water on it.  But I will - you will get your rewards.  Like I've said, I've sent out many single DVDs and Books, but the larger, more complex packages I am behind on.

I'm sorry I've let you down.  Believe me, I care about all of you here.

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You seem to be a pathological liar.

Some of you may remember that my wife's picture on Splash Mountain went viral last year, and as a result, we were invited to come back down for this weekend.

You were "invited" back? Really? By who?

Disney does not invite people out and pay for their trips simply because they had an image go viral.

Secondly, your wife talks about planning the trip on her twitter account. She denotes where you stayed, pics of the magic bands coming in, etc. Don't try and play this off as some "free" thing.

right now I had to put all the boxes that contain the various elements of the boxes (The DVDs, the art card inserts, brochures, red-eye magnifying glasses, boxes of the companions, the boxes that hold the folded up big-boxes, the buttons, the stickers, etc. Shipping Boxes) into storage during the holidays

So you were lying in December when you said you were still shipping consistently.

I've been extremely anemic, and they think I may be bleeding internally somewhere, but they don't know where.

So going to Disney World and eating refined foods that deplete the body of iron is what your doc suggested? You are saying you have all these tests, and colonoscopies,  etc you just jetted off to Disney World for 5 days and ate crap food constantly (Both your twitter accounts go on and on about all the crap you ate). Pics of you drinking coke, eating pizza, giant cinnamon rolls, etc... If you are indeed dealing with such serious kidney problems, then it is mind boggling that you would do that to yourself.

I'm working on the boxes and packages.

No your not. You just claimed you have it all in storage. And not a single person can vouch for you that you have sent a single thing.

Like I've said, I've sent out many single DVDs and Books

There is literally zero proof of this. On every other KS I have backed, the moment physical goods started arriving people started posting about it. Someone mentioned previously that they had only once seen something even posted on eBay, and you seemed to know who it was the moment they mentioned it. If you can identify that person simply because it got posted to eBay, that suggests you only ever sent a single thing out.

No one here hates you. But that doesn't mean we aren't sick of your shit either. You accepted $93,000. You have been completely silent on your second game kickstarter for over a year. On your other one you have repeatedly posted excuses. You say things like, "I'm not hard to find" and "you can always find me on the forums", but then you ignore everything for nearly 2 months.

You promise to ship things out, and you don't do it.

You promise refunds, and then you don't reply or acknowledge you ever brought it up.

You have run out of goodwill with me and several other backers at this point.

This morning I received a very well researched email that lists all the things you have said and done on multiple websites. Obviously people are tired of your crap when they are doing that much research and forwarding it to me.

You have taken advantage of the kindness and patience of the same people who you too money from for too long. There is absolutely zero excuses at this point. But that is all you are doing. You repeatedly fail to make an actual plan of action. You repeatedly fail to set a time table and stick to it. You repeatedly state you are sending out 3 a week, until you back peddle and say it is all in storage and has been through the holidays.

Up until now you've just had a few frustrated people calling you on your crap.


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I've spent some time talking with Steven via email this morning.

While I still don't believe he has been 100% forthright about how things have been going and there have been multiple times where his claims have contradicted each other, I also do believe he intends to get things sent out.

That said, I also believe it is easy for "real life" and the immediate things in front of him to take precedence over a task that is easy to just put in to storage.

I don't think it is fair to Steven to discuss exactly what we talked about, in regards to how best to move forward with this. However I will say that I have chosen to back off for now and give him more time.

I plan to check back in on things in a few months and see how things are going at that time.

I wish the best of luck to both the backers who have been awaiting their items and Steven in finally coming through on something that is long overdue.

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I claimed refund half an hour ago. Long time ago I pre-ordered the companion via backerkit and pledged for Order of the Throne and Roehm to Ruin.

@eXoScoriae, You may have your reasons for giving Steven more time.
I think he had plenty of it. At the end of December 2016 I set him one last deadline (February 1st) and even waited one week longer.
I really don't care anymore why he isn't able to send out the book.

The final straw was this:
"babymoon before my daughter arrives in April"

Looks like a new excuse is made up, though we had that kind already. I really dislike people who use their children as some kind of rhetorical shield.

Game over.