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Messages - Bad2DaBone

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Quest for Infamy / Re: Re: QFG 4.5 Discussion Part XVIII
« on: October 06, 2014, 08:03:56 PM »
Got that taken care of.

Many years ago, when playing QFG4, didn't realize the 3 guys sitting in the Inn at night are characterizations of a very fat Jack Nicholson, an emaciated Rodney Dangerfield, and Royal Dano. Quite amusing to hear them talk!

Who's Royal Dano?

Also, in the regular version they're kind of just mean, ornery, untrusting townsfolk who gradually come to like and trust you.

Wow Kaldire, reading your first post makes me want to launch into a rant about typical ignorant Americans. I won't, but it made me want to.

Bad2DaBone, they should've married back in the early 80's before Diana but he wasn't allowed to because of something to do with the Royals. These things fade with time and by the time they got the opportunity again... here we are! I doubt she'll leave him, and I don't think the inquisitor is an authoritative source.

I think she had been married or divorced and thus wasn't seen as a "proper" choice.

As for wanting a woman that ugly- well, beauty's in the eye of the beholder.  Charles is no looker himself so maybe he's attracted to the kind of woman that looks like his counterpart.

Quest for Infamy / Re: QFG 4.5 Discussion Part XVIII
« on: October 02, 2014, 10:51:56 PM »
Hero 6 had nothing to do with funding, it was a freeware game back 10+ years ago when that's what the adventure game community did. It fell apart due to a horrible management structure when no one person, or small group of people, was in charge. Everyone got a say and all opinions were given equal validity and nothing got finished and no decisions were ever laid down in concrete. The story was also rewritten a number of times. They changed from developing their own engine halfway through production to using AGS which slowed things right down. Basically, it was a mess behind the scenes. I wouldn't want to think how many people worked on that project over the years, must be over 100.

It doesn't matter what the organization- a website, company, family, etc.

Things always go haywire when somebody who is incompetent or an idiot at managing is placed in charge of everything.

Quest for Infamy / Re: QFG 4.5 Discussion Part XVIII
« on: October 01, 2014, 07:03:34 PM »
Uh... game cd?

Why would a fan-game need a game cd?  It's not like it got released in stores or anything.

Banter and Chit-Chat! / Updating computer codecs
« on: October 01, 2014, 06:54:45 PM »
How do you update computer codecs?

I don't know quite what it's called just that it's all the stuff which enables you to watch movies, tv shows, etc. on your computer without any issue and that it periodically needs to be updated.

Banter and Chit-Chat! / Re: Is "the original Wasteland 2" a good game?
« on: September 30, 2014, 10:45:42 PM »
Interestingly enough, it looks like 2 inspired the "Killer Klowns from Outer Space" movie.

The game doesn't sound bad but it seems like they needed more time and budget- it's always a bad scene with the "god-level" enemies can be bumped into early in the game.

I don't completley hate Cobbett- he is the reason I played Heroine's Quest and QFG 4.5.  He tends to play a lot of great, unfamous (and often older) games, even if his reviews are accurate only about 50% of the time.

Though the stuff he calls amazing truly is incredible!  That's the one good thing about a fanatically fussy critic. :)

Banter and Chit-Chat! / Re: Is "the original Wasteland 2" a good game?
« on: September 30, 2014, 07:07:17 PM »
Are you talking about the Wasteland 2 from the early 90's with the nigh-godly Killer Klowns?

Banter and Chit-Chat! / Is "the original Wasteland 2" a good game?
« on: September 30, 2014, 06:55:29 PM »

I know this game has a bad rep and is insanely hard- nevertheless, I am quite curious to play it.

Unfortunately, Richard Cobbett's reviews are notoriously unreliable half the time so I'm curious what you guys all think. :) (the only certainty with him is that if he actually likes a game without flaming it too badly then it's probably a really good game)

Actually I switched from 360 to XBox One and the new controller works pretty well. :)

I'm just curious how much better the F510 is.

I'm curious if it has the same kinds of ridges as the 360 controller and it's lightweight like a 360 controller or more heavy like an XBox One controller.

Quest for Infamy / Re: QFG 4.5 Discussion Part XVIII
« on: September 30, 2014, 06:39:09 PM »
Any true Sierra fan owes it to themselves to play this game, Richard Cobbelpott's obnoxious, overly-pretentious review of it be damned.

Quest for Infamy / Re: QFG 4.5 Discussion Part XVIII
« on: September 30, 2014, 02:01:53 AM »
He does use a bit of original programming, doesn't he?

The Pirate Dungeon didn't look familiar at all to me- though it wouldn't surprise me if it was from some obscure adventure game. ;)

Btw, what was the deal with that monster that was terrorizing the Meeps?  Is that an original creature or from some other videogame?

Also, I agree, it IS fun to see areas you recognize, like Bernard living in the same place as the Sheriff of Nottingham.

I'm almost ready to get it but I just gotta know two things...

1. Does it have those annoying ridges on the Up, Down, Left and Right parts of the thumbsticks  the same way that 360 controllers do?

2. Does that thing in the middle light up a lot when plugged in the way that XBox One controllers do?

So.... what's the best gamepad to buy then?  There are so many to choose from.

Quest for Infamy / Re: QFG 4.5 Discussion Part XVIII
« on: September 28, 2014, 09:41:35 PM »
Also, here's discussion Part VII for those who missed the prequel. ;)


I've played that game a few times and I can seriously NEVER find that damned message about the game anywhere in the library...

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