The Games > Order of the Thorne : The King's Challenge

How do I pass the troll?

(1/3) > >>

Hi everyone,

I afraid I am stuck. I offered the troll any item I had, and have played melodies in front of him but he is still not allowing me to pass the bridge.

Any suggestions?

You gotta pay the troll toll.  What do trolls like?  Find that!



I'm really disappointed we didn't write this as Finn's response to the troll.

yea it was toooo simple imo

I was thinking o look a way across the river or, oh bent tree lets make a catapult and there must be an alt way around this guy..

sadly the steam achievement just tells you how to pass him just not how to get what you need to do so :)

but in time... it will come with the story :)

A certain gnome might have something


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