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Re: Politics: Rock the vote!!!
« Reply #15 on: November 04, 2014, 10:38:44 AM »
no no klytos I meant the government.. not individuals
"the system.. is down"

and again thats a direct quote from a founding father

and in truth Im a communist in heart but not in application, it works in the mind and on paper but not in application.
IM ANTI GOVERNMENT.. sorry thats my view

so I just dont vote.
its also why I cant own a gun,
id walk up to my highest ranking officer and shoot them, then join the enemy, you really dont want me voting or on a jury or anything like that

do I agree with you that our gov is better than some, sureeeeee as hell I do, but urmm
no Ive been to places like finland and norway and we here in amercia, well
are so far behind on almost everything,

in finland you get a house, school, a job all given to you, sure taxes suck up the 80-90% rate but all is taken care of..
here we just   .. need to refresh that tree with blood before I vote

the bottom line

we as a people are afraid of our gov and police rolling around in tanks from desert storm,
until thats washed away with blood, I wont believe in america.. sorry

and again , they? are all wrong i never said THEY klytos, i just say   ALL BAD ... ALL WRONG,
as in the gov
not again as individuals
im with bill maher on this one
though he also says to vote, but in terms of how our gov just sucks on all sides of our 20 sided die.. is just way to true. but even he still says he loves what america stood for, not what it stands for.

you read into me pointing at specific people wrong

again bottom line is the avg person and as a whole we the people fear or police and gov, and that SHOULD BE THE OTHER WAY AROUND.

cop out?
I dont vote, cant make me just as I cant make you NOT vote..
learn to love or respect views and all will be happy
just due to me not voting? its prolly for the best,
imagine my mentality at a voting booth, marking F U to all boxes
and my post was never meant to offend and if it did offend ya you hold to tight you your laurels and there is no need to jump my bones about me voting.. with almost an attack saying its a cop out.. haha

seriously, if I could id burn the entire usa down to the ground and let nature start over.. hell id do that to the world..
but I cant so I wont.
you really dont want someone like me anywhere near any system.

hope im still welcome here just because of my views but again
my pop and others raised me to never bring up religion, politics, nor sports anywhere near a forum or table to talk about.. so hope you dont hate me, you got my answer if ya dont like it thats ok hope ya still like me. and want me on site

cheers n beers
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Re: Politics: Rock the vote!!!
« Reply #16 on: November 04, 2014, 10:49:55 AM »
well seems my view MUST be wrong eh?

cant everyone just have their own belief system?

id also like to add that after traveling ALOT im very lucky to have been born in usa.
there are so many TERRIBLE places out there
middle east, Thailand etc  but as soooon as my probation is up, I plan on moving OUT of usa

as for my point on shooting my ranking officer, Im ANTI war(so if i was drafted  oh all bad), ANTI gov ANTI religion but in no way would I try to take that belief from someone else.
I just wanted to share a quote that jefferson said long ago, that we need to randomly overthrow the gov to keep them in check and we are long over dooo in usa.

rich win, poor lose there is no middle class, we only JUST got healthcare (one of the LAST countries to do so) we only just legalized pot after a huge spending on war on drugs
hell you cant even own a vibrator as a woman .. or man in 3 states, or you go to prison.. thats not coo!

I love ya'll

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Re: Politics: Rock the vote!!!
« Reply #17 on: November 04, 2014, 10:59:02 AM »
Amen, Chadly.  I know some people say their vote doesn't matter - but it does.  It should matter to you.  In the end, that's what counts; you did what you knew was right in your heart.  And if you feel the system is broke, you don't fix it by not using it; you get involved.

this is so very true mate
that I DO agree with, but once jaded ... well hard to get UN jaded :P for me anyway.
but very true..
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Re: Politics: Rock the vote!!!
« Reply #18 on: November 04, 2014, 11:08:45 AM »
Amen, Chadly.  I know some people say their vote doesn't matter - but it does.  It should matter to you.  In the end, that's what counts; you did what you knew was right in your heart.  And if you feel the system is broke, you don't fix it by not using it; you get involved.

this is so very true mate
that I DO agree with, but once jaded ... well hard to get UN jaded :P for me anyway.
but very true..

What do you know... I do say some okay stuff from time to time.  I still believe what I said two years ago.  You don't fix something by not being involved in the process.

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Re: Politics: Rock the vote!!!
« Reply #19 on: November 04, 2014, 11:32:08 AM »
@Kaldire Woah. Information flow. I have to agree with Shawn on this one. Sure there are possibly many bad people in the goverment, but they're not all bad. And yes you said that the government as a whole is bad, but if you keep supporting the good ones in there, their strength will grow.

I have to say that your thoughts on shooting an officer and burning down the whole world are a bit disturbing for me. And sure, you can try communism, but trust me when I say that eastern europeans know it first-hand that it doesn't work.

As a sidenote, Finland isn't the paradise you imagine it to be. It is good for the natives, but as an immigrant you're bound to have a rough start.

So in conclusion, your views aren't wrong. It's just that some of them are a bit worrying (especially the before-mentioned burning down the world and stuff).  :-\

@Blackthorne Wow, 3999 posts. Epic!  8)
"Ha ha! Little graveyard humor there!"


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Re: Politics: Rock the vote!!!
« Reply #20 on: November 04, 2014, 12:07:16 PM »

well thats just how I see things,
and as for finland no way would i move there! just mentioned we are so far behind in every manner.
we are ranking 3rd world almost these days


as for me saying im a communist in nature but not APPLICATION, thats all well and good as I said on paper or in the mind, but once applied it NEVER works
would be nice though since star trek is sorta communistic future! no money, all is given free, shoe makers give shoes free, bakers bread etc, but in the end.. it doesnt work, so im no affiliation, just closer to communist that any other.
as for the shooting statement, that was meant if someone forced me to fight, not just on a whim!
like if there was a draft again, someone said you MUST go to war, id do it then take out the usa army until I was taken out.. which prolly wouldnt be very long.... hope most feel that way about a forced draft...

and again im not disagreeing with anyone, in fact ive pointed out this is my view, from my experience that no one can take from me, same for yours and shawns and bts..
all here...

but again, as pop said never bring up politics religion or sports. it just leads to bad things.. even if its saying hey rock the vote its shoving it down my throat almost like when i see a anti smoking commercial i go out and have a cig and say .. fu to the tv.. it doesnt make me want to stop, as the rock the vote doesnt make me want to vote

as soon as i see people that would improve this nation, id vote, so far ive seen 1 of 1000 in a bucket and that wont fly for me..

but saying that I do agree with shawn and bt .. to a point
if all were like me in my view NOTHING would ever get better.. worse in fact,

but hey, you dont really want a dude like me voting, or doing anything other than putting on a berret and going to the congress and kicking all those fat rich bloated sobs off..and into hell

rich makes me sick  I dont want to get into the top 1-2% its just sick, and that hasnt changed forever now only getting worse..
its why i loved steve jobbs... he donated so much saved forests etc, id vote for him

and even greg graffin joked at running for pres id vote for him too !
as br said "against the grain!"
so thats for bts note to me... if no one swims up stream or against the grain nothing will change, but I know. im not the one to start that boat, toooo jaded,
in fact I would go as far as saying I hate usa.. very much,
again I dislike other places more so, but usa is more underhanded about everything
at least in middle east you KNOW what is comin at you and why.. here its ..
shady dealings, stabs in the back and false hope.

but rock the vote I never said for anyone NOT to!
just said that with jeffersons statement, we are about 150 years overdue for a riot to overthrow

let me ask this again

go ask the people in usa on the street if they are afraid of police or their gov
most are. and it should be the other way around..
police dont protect us they protect themselves and the rich

as for health care .. dont even get me started I just lost kaiser over 1 missed appointment in 9 years
sooo.. again jaded..
and 3999 heeeey thats 666E upside down
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Re: Politics: Rock the vote!!!
« Reply #21 on: November 04, 2014, 01:17:33 PM »
@klytos, Vote in your own country of Aussieland.  Voting counts, yes politics suck ass but if you dont vote don't bitch about the government.  @kaldire- I like that Thomas Jefferson quote.  However if they the founding fathers didnt stand up we would be ruled still by the british empire.  If WE as Americans didn't save the world twice in the last Century we would be speaking German, the jews would be erased from the planet, and freedom would have died forever.  Even a social Democracy like GB, France, and most of Europe is still a Democracy.  Freedom is a good thing. I am free to disagree with whomever i please without reprisal and government intervention.  Yes our gov isn't perfect and has many bad apples, but you Don't cut down the tree because of a few rotten apples.  Vote men and women please it is too important not to! :)


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Re: Politics: Rock the vote!!!
« Reply #22 on: November 04, 2014, 01:29:13 PM »
@ Everyone. Look i didnt mean to start a shit-storm here guys and gals. Voting is Important PEriod!  Kaldire has his views and i respect and agree with a few points.  I pay taxes therefore I vote.  You don't pay taxes you go to jail. Its all i can do, and even if my party doesn't win i can say i voted.  We all have to pay taxes in some form or another.  Sure we all get screwed by them, but untill someone gets smart and flat taxes everyone at the same rate, the tax code will be fucked.  We owe Way too much money to China and others.  Look my folks taught me if you dont have enough money to pay cash for something, you save untill you do.  Otherwise credit cards gets you in trouble, at least me anyway. LOL.

   A few years back i lived in England and Germany. The cost of living there is twice what it is here.  A decent meal out there is 50 dollars. My rent for a 1 room aptmnt was 1200 bucks a month. Why?  Taxes are enormous there because of all the entitlements like free healthcare, schooling, etc.  Sounds great untill you fork 7 out of 10 dollars of your paycheck to the government!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:(




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Re: Politics: Rock the vote!!!
« Reply #23 on: November 04, 2014, 02:16:47 PM »
I just voted.  And since none of my candidates will win here, I decided to get me an xbox one with suset overdrive to make me fell better about living in a blue state.  The game is awesome.  Totally made up for everything.  :)
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Re: Politics: Rock the vote!!!
« Reply #24 on: November 04, 2014, 02:55:46 PM »
@Chadly  thanks for at least understanding my views are mine!
and to mention this, I used to vote, but never did the "good hearted(hearted isnt a word shrug) and driven people toward betterment win ever" so I stopped voting as it seemed to make no diff, its a numbers game

and very nice points about standing up to the UK to become usa, but that was his point, you have to do drastic action to get drastic changes, not subtle long term changes.. though that does work in some arenas it rarely if ever works in government or politics

@chucklas  (hey bromie the @ thing doesnt work unless its at the start of the post???
anyway   haha thanks for the laugh, I really dont like many games on xbox, xbox 360, nor xbox one
but I DO love that game!
and a handful of others, mind u im no SONY fanboy but they have far more rpgs which is my pref,
but again, great game, same as like some of the exclusives which there arent many for xbox series
I really loved the conker remake on xbox original..
but that was the only game i cared about on that one,

annnyway voting is important, I hoped that my post wouldn't be seen as DONT VOTE because kaldire doesn't
that was neeeeeever my intent, just shared an opinion with ya
and seems no matter who is president (or in congress or senate) that we wage war constantly and for no reason we dont need to get involved just the "let them eat war" mentality needs to go away.

as soon as I see anyone worthy of that vote, id vote but so far .. i don't.
odd enough I did vote Obama, now i regret it after he and his staff are again in the middle east for NO reason, let them sort their own mess, we did .. anyone remember the Spanish armada?


drastic... actions..

on that note .mi mi mi mii  hope no one here takes my paradigm and adjusts theirs over it. But again I dont condone preaching or forcing anyone to do anything they dont want to.. and vice versa.
telling me im a bad person or wrong for not voting is just as bad imo as telling you to not vote which Id never doooo

ill leave you with this

always n forever!

and here is a nice clip to ease the pain and give a nice tune and again the main reason I hate politics
on drugs, on gays, on other countries, etc. all needs to vanish we are one HUMAN race, we should act like it in the distant future
Bad religion "LET THEM EAT WAR" with lyrics
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Re: Politics: Rock the vote!!!
« Reply #25 on: November 04, 2014, 02:58:51 PM »
   A few years back i lived in England and Germany. The cost of living there is twice what it is here.  A decent meal out there is 50 dollars. My rent for a 1 room aptmnt was 1200 bucks a month. Why?  Taxes are enormous there because of all the entitlements like free healthcare, schooling, etc.  Sounds great untill you fork 7 out of 10 dollars of your paycheck to the government!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:(

my rent in the ghetto of sacramento is 1208$ a month
sooo its not more there from what I can see,
shrug and germany has a great system there, power grids transport etc, all A we are C and D for all that stuff
no joke, some third world countries out rank us its just odd and sick
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Re: Politics: Rock the vote!!!
« Reply #26 on: November 04, 2014, 03:59:43 PM »
@kaldire  ok your rent in sacramento is 1208 in the ghetto.  When i lived in UK and Germany it was in a poor working class neighborhood.  Yes they do have good public transport, schools, roads, healthcare, etc. But they pay for it in taxes.  They come here or go to Spain for vacation and live it up.  If our country is so fucked up then why do millions immigrate here each year?  It is the land of milk and honey thats why!   Also when i lived there over ten years ago, everything cost more period due to taxes.  Europeans don't live like the average American.  Voting is important its how you get heard.  Unless you want to be the sheep and just go with the herd so to speak.  Fuck may party may not win the election and if they do maybe nothing will change but at least i did my civic duty.  I respect all views, this debate is why we have a Democracy and the right to speak our minds.  Yes our gov is fucked up, only we can change it. :)     Chadly


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Re: Politics: Rock the vote!!!
« Reply #27 on: November 04, 2014, 04:18:21 PM »
@chadly I totally agree.  When people complain about the government the first thing I ask them is if they voted.  If they say no, I basically tell them to shut about it because if you don't vote, you lose the right to be upset/complain.

As for the rent thing, it almost always costs more to rent than to buy.  For example, I could charge double my mortgage to rent my house.  The issue is, only certain people have the credit/income to get loans.  People really get screwed over when they have to rent. 

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Re: Politics: Rock the vote!!!
« Reply #28 on: November 04, 2014, 04:31:07 PM »
@chucklas  I agree paying rent sucks, however getting a 25 year mortgage after interest is mind-blowing.  Sure id love to have a 1 million dollar house sitting on a 1000 acres in the Rockies. Can i afford that no, that and taxes are ridiculous.

   I have decided to start my own political party.  It's called the Smokers Party.  You can smoke almost anywhere in Europe unless they have changed it.  We will campaign to legalize Marijuana, tax it of course to those 18 and over.  Hell lets just end the Drug War all together by legalizing everything in small amounts, bought at state stores and taxed.  Never going to happen on this country or Anywhere, as the government makes too much money on forfitures and seizures of property.  Thats about as liberal of an idea as I get, coming drom a guy who doesn;t use drugs.    Chadly


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Re: Politics: Rock the vote!!!
« Reply #29 on: November 04, 2014, 04:37:31 PM »
urmm are you aware that the Mexicans are now and have been leaving usa to go back to mexico as its becoming a better country than usa in some parts and our economy tanked? border control is now mostly Hindu and middle eastern people and Russians  not much else..

if it came down to higher or insane 80+% taxes and free school, jobs, healthcare,transport, sitters for kids etc
id take the higher taxes its why i mentioned finland,

as for everything costs more, well ive traveled but never lived in other countries but ive been almost everywhere even the middle east AND russia,
I can tell you most of those govs SUCK so badly and kill people like murder just say for leaving a religion or hell if I said what I am now in most places like that id be took out and shot or hung

so I do love what usa STOOD for not what it STANDS for
but you have this backwards, the imagrants now, are coming from 3rd world countries to escape and live vs just to get better paying jobs etc
so again mexican workers and immagrants are at an all time low, with most going BACK to mexico even though they were citizens and not many mexicans are  even wanting to cross our borders
I can say that south american and other central ameican countries are sending KIDS to our borders
but thats not the same thing,
its not due to a better econmy its to be safer than where they are and to eat

now.. the GBP (and id never live in uk) is worth almost 2 times a usd, hell canadian money is almost that too
so if I made 1000 GBP id buy stuff FROM AMERICA due to it costing HALF even WITH taxes
i think your math is way off on that

and as you said only WE can change it, do you think the revolutionary war would have been won without guns and fighting.. nope..
slavery ended with just legal means? nope..
in the end sure.. in the beginning you need to stand and fight as much as I dislike war the though process I hate to fight the system IS antithetic to my anti war belief.

I can put it this way
remember old nintendo games?
some players get a game, and die lots, what do they do
1. they keep playing the game..
2. they THROW the controller and or break the system
3. this is my option  they press RESET and start OVER..


buuut come on mate, you said it WE change it not our gov..
if only I had the faith in a good system as you do  I truly WISH that I did,

but again stuff here doesnt cost more just due to taxes (yes for California!) but go to Oregon.. no taxes on anything but higher land tax 
so a uk person who buys something for 50 usd is paying 25GBP + shipping and no tax
unless they use ebay that is :P

but read up on immigration lately in usa, most are leaving and those that do come, are from india, middle east, or RUSSIA, those places are far worse than usa(though I actually liked india alot, really nice people there)

my dream places to live?

prolly japan (now THAT is high cost of living for rent but low for all other goods and great transport if you like being packed into a sub car with a stick!) lol

or New Zealand NORTH, in the tribal area  (off the grid no games no power just a beach)

Foggia or Verona  or with really nice cash id love to move with my family on Capri (google that one! originally my family is from Verona and moved to the isle of Capri actually anacapri isnt that a game?)

cost of living there is NUTS but yeaaaaa
no worries there
in italy well post sucks, mafia is half running the place gov is totally messed up randomly but at least there is culture, we dont have that, we do have history but not much on the culture just a mix of everyone's cultures  and me no likey that..

bottom line, the high tax in exchange for all that free  imo is better than lower tax and nothing free
in the end over in usa an avg person pays out THOUSANDS more than they would paying high taxes for say a home or school and jobs dont get me started our unemployment rate was insane until obama got in office and again i did vote for him, the 1st time, but war.. really.. aahhhh

read up on immigration lately in usa :P its really true what im saying about people leaving usa back to their own countries now that usa tanked, of course im sure that will change now that its going back up
thanks to our pres actually,

so yep voting DOES matter, but again i wont vote until someone is worth voting for .. and I dont see that this mid term nor in the near future.

(oh and I did vote on all the flip a districts for bill mahr )


is this a joke?
everyone has a right to complain or that defeats freedom of speech,
me I say the gov sucks but Im not sitting here saying NOT TO VOTE, im confused how im now being attacked and told to shut up.. by a member of this team none the less WHAT chucklas? really?

I also had a mortgage and a home before my divorce and at that time the housing TANKED and we lost it, had 129K put into a house and lost it ALL, sooo
but yes mortgages always cost less no matter where you live.

but please, dont say shut up to me mate, I havent done so to you.. or anyone else here
just because I dont vote, you think I cant have a view about the country thats pretty closeminded and again almost preaching in reverse.

this is the exact reason my pops is right about not mentioning politics or religion and or sports
it makes good people conflict even when they like each other
I feel nothing but hate from a few of these posts and I mean direct hate to me not about my views.
kinda.. makes me sad I cant say ,. I dont vote and yes this place needs work.. yes .. yes I can say that without voting.


this thread has almost destroyed my view of a few people here..
not sure how to take this,
shawn and now chuklas, at least chadly says I have the right to my own view .. im just so . sad I even added anything to this thread I should have just let it be.


ill now stop posting on this thread and let you all be and leave with this
GO VOTE if you want! I ENCOURAGE IT also!  But dont ya dare tell anyone they dont have a right to say usa is broken if they didnt vote,
thats just plain jane crazy chuklas  now ill go frown that my mini family is bombarding me and telling me how to feel or what to say or not to..

I love ya all
seriously  now knock it offfffffffffffffff

ty :)
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