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What MMOs do you like (no asian-themed please)?
« on: October 08, 2014, 05:26:21 PM »

First off, I don't have anything against asians, I'm just bored of games with such themes. I'm used to playing Mists of Pandaria (WoW) and an asian mmo called Perfect World International. I am excited about Archeage but I don't think I can plunge into it just yet, so does anyone have any suggestions for which MMOs to try out? I've also played LOTRO, but it's too much of a micro-transactions game for me. Oh and preferably MMOs that are F2P. Now... shoot! :P
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Re: What MMOs do you like (no asian-themed please)?
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2014, 07:25:11 PM »
I know I prolly shouldnt  post


1. I dislike any massive multiplayer game

a. most require you to team up with kids or complete idiots, and trust me ive played(even helped code) many o mmo's
Anarchy online was the last decent MMO  IMO.. and I helped code on that! simple html game really, loads of href= bs  lol , ahh my head
but thats the same team that did and is doing the longest journey so it had depth and heart unlike WOW which i think sucks and always have   and yes i played it since beta and for about 2 years after then  again later much later and still the game failed to impress me on any level
its sick that now, most single player RPG style games model AFTER WOW, and its just ahhh nooooo
skin.. mine.. etc all crap imo done the wow way, look at far cry 3 i think it is, skinning ohh where did that come from.. WOW thats where

b.MOST MMO's are all free now, thats most, which F2P doesnt mean FREE it means oh you get a taste or a tease, and if you want to do anything real, you must buy items or memberships, this is for FPS, RPG, STRAT,etc all MMO's
now that said there are a few free ones u can indeed get full play from, but then are left wanting.. and something like ragnarok online was again a more modern remake and decent for free but there is that friggen in game $$$$ store, to play fully...

c. most mmos just arent made right  a few exceptions and even then hacking goes bad, and whats the point...
counter strike source etc, is prolly the only game i play, mmo wise, and i dont really play often, usually its about 2 rounds (not even matches)
just doesnt interest me

now AMERICAS ARMY ONLINE .. did, when it was first launched for a recruiting tool(sadly COD beat them to it ages ago .. shrug)
AAO is great even still, but once again, hackers with sniper rifles and done.. right through 10 walls o shame


4. im misanthropic, soooo
chatting in those places for me leads to kids spouting bs, and me going umm where is the mute function, then whats the friggen point if almost everyone is muted, .. oh yea right get in a guild or clan, and .. find a 15 year old runs it.. nah its ok thanks ..

anyway that said much fun CAN be had on MMO's but really... for the most part this is a warning,
it will not only sap your wallet but your LIFE, and kids... get a life...
not WOW or CS SOURCE  or COD 24/7 sigh..

oh urmm the marvel heros and dc heroes are decent free to play, but then u hit a limit, and its pretty fast (about 3 hrs to max a char) then what?
you pay.. to p2p thats it..
and its fun .. ohhh its fun, but for what, $$$ each month?  and belittlement from kids or adults (like myself) who troll back? haha

i love my solo play games, or co-op (not MMO)  with REAL friends in real life or virtual, people i know,
hence why steam has a few cards up on GOG and DESURA as you dont have the same functions to join games or invite etc,
steam does,

shrug.. co-op = fun,  mmo = no
ACrev ac4 MP was decent but again only when you KNOW the people.. and play as a unit, or its just pure.. chaos and well burrrpp
same with watchdogs but i wont go into how terrible of a game that is in this thread as its not really mmo just MP function..

stay away from F2P and MMO unless you want no life and no money, and loads of fun fun fun!
(remember the obese guy who died playing wow for SEVEN DAYS STRAIGHT?)
* Kaldire whispers "seven days" 

true story, and i love tech and connection but man, i see my kid, and her gen, no one talks even girls .. just text and tumblr and tweet, no verbal speech at ALL .. none! its HORRIFIC and well, sad really..
these games just lend to that IPOD mentality .. and i cant condone em

annnyway there is my 90 cents :P

F2P mate= will cost you money in the start or end, trust me no such thing really as free mmo's

find a gooood book
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Re: What MMOs do you like (no asian-themed please)?
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2014, 07:48:30 PM »
I still love WoW, it's not free to play but it's the benchmark and nothing else has the replayability of it. MoP is nearing the end of it's life but the new expansion lands in November and I think it'll be really good. I've been playing since Vanilla and have raided all the end game expansions since (with the exception of Cataclysm) and I've not lost interest in it. The other reason I like it is you can't cheat, yes people create bots and some run their own servers where cheating is rampant, but for the most you can't cheat so it's a level playing field which comes down to the player and what they do.

LOTR, DDO, Guild Wars 2 - all ok, f2p but f2p usually means microtransactions which means someone can buy their way to the top. That's one reason I prefer WoW. Eve Online is ok, a bit different and enjoyable. Star Wars Old Republic is brilliant and f2p - probably the closest to WoW in quality of any of them.

War Thunder is brilliant, it's an MMO flight simulator. I love it.
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Re: What MMOs do you like (no asian-themed please)?
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2014, 08:50:14 PM »
wow lover?!
nooo i never woulda pegged ya for one klytos

well to each his own..

due again note, the guy that died playing 7 days solid
also note i was in beta closed and 2 years after, then later after expansions,
so many things were nerfed and changed it just blew badly vs other games of the same genre again anarchy online  if no one played that, you missed one hellova' game

i played WOW beta closed when just 20vs20 raid, would lock up the servers
2 years later, nothing changed just the quantity it was about 30-40vs 30-40 and servers would be screwed,
later when they got BANK, they did fix it, but really..

also wow lost all its bling once i made my own server and weapons, etc, you can just walk through the hardest raid bosses solo  sword hitting 99999 times per swing for 999999-999999 dmg etc..
kinda made all the fun suck .. right out..

same thing happened with the original ragnarok online, which rocked , snes style,  but in the end private servers and peonies ruled it, and well, shrug,

again i just dont like dealing with people on those games, if anyone has played an mp game you know the people... kids or idiots just acting out and jerking off and not working as a team or in wows case .. high lvl toons sitting near a starting point killing lowest of low level toons just for kicks (before they can even lvl up to hit em)

shrug,... pvp did get fun with newer advances that I WILL GIVE IT..
ctf style but more like king of the hill ctf.. that rocked .. WITH .. a decent team

anyway its all about the guild

brett g  owner of epitaph records, and guitarist and writer in bad religion (the band)
has a guild called "into the ungnome"  as a br album was called "into the unknown"
lol and that guy is a super genius on so many lvls, its unreal, yet still he plays that pos lol

so again to each is' own

I can list games if youd like , i thought the topic was more how we feel about em, i think i misread that you are looking to play em, and wanted suggestions

are you into rpg? fps? strat?
fps there are more hackers but i tend to prefer those, vs rpgs which do in fact cost even on f2p
(why blizzard hasnt just given a copy free to everyone now they are so rich ill never understand and I used to love that company now I LOATHE it like you hate telltale.. prolly worse)


oh and guild wars 2 isnt really mmo, sorta... its mainly solo play... which i prefer games like that

you have games like strats i love the LOL.. DOTA2 etc...
DC UNIVERSE and marvel uni are both f2p but cost money to go anywhere (both take maybe 3 hours to max lvl)
DND online (f2p) also requires membership to get into most dungeons or take on skillsets or styles of play that vary which u can only get by paying buttt. its free to watch most of it, u just cant play
ragnarok online (the new one F2p) its worth a play! its free, you can solo most stuff, minus the raid dungeons and dragones u dont need to pay unless u want bags or mounts etc, or cards.. gulp
Anarchy online(buy it for 1$ and free to play after that lol) best friggen mmo ever made imo, on many lvls
its now old and very outdated but still played, and still rocks if you like space and cyberpunk style games
DONT PLAY STAR WARS anything (damn u george)
eve online is a decent game tooooo very and i prefer it over wow, but what shawn pointed out is indeed true

Wildstar was also pretty fun yet wonky

OH and i CANT WAIT for SATURN VALLEY ONLINE to work better (its just a snes game remade *A VERY FUNNY fun fun rpg called EARTHBOUND... for fun ill link it below)
read the info its great,
The game also puts an emphasis on content, our approach to quests for example, is quality over quantity. Saturn Valley Online is a game that will be bursting with references and jokes about almost anything we think will be funny for the players, but it will be presented to to you in carefully planned out quests, "dungeons" and other diversions such as mini-games. "

if u want FPS lists let me know and u can always google top free to play, but i dont go buy number 1
normally when a movie or game gets ranked high I rarely approve or agree :P
cat n the hat movie 1 star
bio dome 0 starts 0% rotten tomatoes (and i love that movie)
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come oooooooon

ok kal.. noo more starbucks you are cut off sir!
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Re: What MMOs do you like (no asian-themed please)?
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2014, 09:08:16 PM »
oh how the eell could i forget
wizardy online   yes i know i know its not up to par with gfx and such, and chat and classes are an issue its still kinda in its infancy but, its rogue game, sooo
once you get to a certain level   when you die, you have a small % to res or you die, end of char, the higher the lvl the lower the % is to res when dead (and its full of puzzles and secrets!) and u can be BAD .. get a bad alley, bounties, followed by anyone seeing you a bounty hunter

as for WOW again klytos is right
in terms of cheating (btw shawn.. not sure when u started playing buuuut)
did you play when the run hack existed? when you could fish farm epics and blues?
teleport to anywhere, not with a spell? 1 hit kill a max lvl toon at low lvl? instead of vice versa?
loooads of cheats DID exist in early WOW
but yea those have been mended hardcore,

there was actually a WOW sweatshop setup that got raided long ago,
where kids got paid a few pennies a day to just play WOW all day and farm,
until the bot programs came out lol
to the kids it was a WIN WIN.. they got a job! and got to play a game!
for usa, and the gov, it was like oh hell no thats illegal, grr

also check how china used PRISONERS to play wow to gold farm lol
yea ...
again wow is baad and no not really in the game itself, but what it DOES to people if they dont have control..and have a real life (and you obviously do kyltos soooo im not talking about u!) but im sure you know kids or people in guilds that play at least 5-10 hours daily.. lol thats not funny :(
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Re: What MMOs do you like (no asian-themed please)?
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2014, 10:08:47 PM »
There's a major difference between farming for real money and playing a game for enjoyment. If you don't like interacting with other people then MMO's aren't going to be something you enjoy regardless of the game.

Yes there have been hacks and cheats in the "live" game. People will always try to do that. But Blizzard smash them pretty quickly and have always done so. Nothing is ever perfect but they're one company that at least try.

I don't hate telltale, I think some of their later games are weak but that's a far cry from hate.
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Re: What MMOs do you like (no asian-themed please)?
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2014, 10:28:56 PM »
I think the creation and meaning of telltale is what truly rocked,
bone the first game  suckkkked
then you have the in betweens which were decent!
then yea as you said fell apart

as for not liking interacting, huh? haha
well yes and no, as you can see im quite, urmm bombastic? spastic? etc
imagine me.. in an mmo in terms of chat..

my old main chars name was "Misanthropia"  haha
but in terms of not liking wow for itself, no its a decent game on its own right
but how it molded EVERY damn game after it.. again lets make far cry with skinning YEA!
i can prolly list about 200+ games  not even rpg that have the same skillsets, kinda makes me sick devs cant create something new,
but again its more that i LOVED blizzard WC1 2 and starcraft.. then WOW came, and i was into blizzard, in a huge way, (friends with the devs as much as id say im posting here etc)
so i was in closed beta  and most of the bugs and hacks where indeed gone by year 1 after open beta released

WOW itself is a decent game, i just dont like what it did to the minds of the masses (same with the new age kids I was talking about) and wow has no real PLOT at all, vs anarchy online, which told a vast and wondrous story

but to die.. 7 days playing it straight? no other game has done that.. maybe sims? idk

anyway sorry for misrepresenting your feelings about telltale, just I made a few posts and ya kinda went ICK ttg!
but I totally agree with you on all these marks

but again i do enjoy online gamin, again you just need the right people or clan/guild/friends

take bts offer for gauntlet, its only 2.5 hrs long, has no real lvls of play that differ, the game requires co-op but if you arent with a real friend +2  (takes 4 to play) then they are rewarded for KILLING YOU in game which ends it... kinda odd..
only thing holding me back from bts offer to get it and play wiff him

but yea I can interact just fine, buuut sometimes my brain leaks, and chat hurts esp when reading public chat, just glad you can mute it or people :P
but I believe there is a limit to how many users u can block (unless that changed)
and again i never had more fun than anarchy onlines tower setup alien expansion! just great
have you ever tried AO?
if not just give it a shot  dont mind how old it is...
and i was one of the first on ultima online (the first mmo) not including bbs door games(which btw is what MADE the modern mmo)  :P

not many know that these days, god im getting old haha
renegade bbs ftw
anyone for usurper?


btw kyltos off topic sorry, thanks for thumbs upping my joe dirt wish for the goat poop/meteor suggestion haha
wonder who won the first 2 boxes! i know i didnt! grrr


and ty for being honest about WOW, hope you can see that I just probably played it at the WORST times,
the beginning and near end before the latest expansion (after private server) and again once you do that.. well.. WOW become just one big chat room which I can do in irc any day :P

whats ur fav class (and do you play dark or light ? hmmm
i used to love my shaman, but that was ages ago, or my frost mage before they nerfed it for pvp
teleport freeeeeeeeeze ooo yea i ripped it upp

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Re: What MMOs do you like (no asian-themed please)?
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2014, 11:29:09 PM »
My default class is the Survival Huntard, but I've played most of MoP on an elemental Shammy. Currently I'm heroic raiding with my Drood healer. Which is awesome to play.
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Re: What MMOs do you like (no asian-themed please)?
« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2014, 12:25:17 AM »
oh yep very, and you get people that go HEY YOU LET ME DIE!!
heal meeee

cleric healers etc have always been toons that get the most real need from other players lol

tho i did love shammies before they nerfed some of the totems (it was totally cheap when it first released that class lol)
idk i like the evil side better .. shrug, maybe its cause i look like a skeleton/vampire/hippie  :P
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Re: What MMOs do you like (no asian-themed please)?
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2014, 05:00:46 PM »
Thanks for the replies! I appreciate your concern Kaldire, but no thanks, I'll face the risks. :P
And yes, how many people have died from playing WoW for 7 days straight (in this case WoW doesn't even matter that much, being awake for 7 days straight doing whatever is a 1-way ticket to a very messed up health or, like in this one case, death)? I simply want to play MMOs for fun and I think LOTRO is a pretty good example. Sure, you can buy loads of items from the micro-transactions shop, but there isn't anything like actual beastly gear and it's mostly just cosmetic pieces of gear + temporary boost-potions which aren't that awful for an MMO. DDO is a good idea, I tried for a short while but stopped because my friends stopped playing also. I guess that's the biggest issue that I have with these MMOs, I can try them, but if I don't find a group of people to play with, I get bored and move on. I will return to WoW at some point, I myself joined it during WOTLK and have played through the last 3 expansions. I heard WoD is taking away flying ability in many zones so I'm excited about that. It really adds a whole new level of mystery if you can't reach all those locations that are up the mountains and such. Buuuut I'm getting carried away, anywho, mI'll probably try some of these MMOs. And one last thing, has anyone here played The Realm Online? It looks something like KQVII but it's also an MMO and it used to be quite popular years back, at the moment there are less than 50 players playing (but hey, atleast it's still up and running! :D). Alright, once again, carried away. I'll stop.............. now.
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Re: What MMOs do you like (no asian-themed please)?
« Reply #10 on: October 09, 2014, 05:04:25 PM »
Oh and in WoW, I'm a human paladin called Kristjan (my actual name, wooow!!). Yep, probably the least-popular race-class combination in WoW, yup.
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Re: What MMOs do you like (no asian-themed please)?
« Reply #11 on: October 09, 2014, 05:13:20 PM »
well klytos listed some great ones

so did i, again it depends what kinda mmo you are looking for,
if you do want a huge list of free to play again I can help there too

but as for WOW, i believe more people died over SIMS, than WOW...
again one of those life drainers, one guy killed himself because his online wife divorced him.. wow..
thats the mentality i cant understand

as long as you dont let anything consume you, and hold no idols or bow to anything really in life you are ok
as soon as someone starts assuming they fit into a slot, they prolly wont..
hard to explain in text but.. its psych 102..

just in life dont expect much and be grateful for what you do get
(im not a cup is half empty or full guy) in that realm im a Taoist, the cup, is just a cup, half full and half empty still the same,

all is one :P

just whatever u do chose, dont let it consume ya is all
and you are ok! if thats the case well
try the DC and marvel online  those are pretty fun for free to play,  or wizardy if you want challenge, or ragnarok if you love cartoonish fun
(though thats another MMO that went off on the WOW side of things, again I cant take it..
to many games just copied WOW, instead of making new stuff

so you kill things in rag, and can scavenge them.... mine... collect cards, oh the joy of unoriginality thanks to WOW..

again WOW the game, not bad at all, but what its done to the users and all games since.. makes me weep

and one huge negative about wow is indeed lack of plot vs other games mmo ive played
again i compare almost all to ANARCHY ONLINE, which was just insane and awesome for its era..

I did see that some of the expansions to WOW do add plot content though! so thats nice,
but its mostly wander around, solo, or with guild and do raids which u cant leave for hours * i think they added checkpoints finally as they saw it was CONSUMING KIDS and mums n dads were so mad hearing "I cant do my homework yet I have to finish this raid or i have to do it all over again from the start"
yea those early wow days suuucked

but really the game IS fun, esp pvp when done right.. great fun
still AO beats wow on that lvl but its no longer modern  sorta like going back n playing everquest
fun, but hard to look at after the glory of WOW

you want rpgs?
fps or strats?
tons of mmos exist,

and if you havent heard of earthbound for snes, GET THAT ROM and play it!
you wont regret it, its why im hoping saturn valley online gets a bit more people and gets up and running better

btw paladins used to rock so hard in the early wow, they were nerfed like most other classes to make it fair for baby whiners :P

jk just cause of loads of even play issues in pvp really..
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Re: What MMOs do you like (no asian-themed please)?
« Reply #12 on: October 09, 2014, 05:22:54 PM »
Ye, palas were pretty beast pvpers in wotlk. I have tried Marvel Online, it was pretty interesting, but that massive superheroes craze has kinda missed me.
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Re: What MMOs do you like (no asian-themed please)?
« Reply #13 on: October 09, 2014, 06:35:55 PM »
yea dc was fun, it was out before MOST of the modern comic movies, but marvel eh..
im a marvel guy anyway, dc characters are just so... well. sorry to be non PC but GAY

peter parker... that had to be made as a gay innuendo  seriously? park a peter?
then again, the avengers all blow as patton oswald said in one standup

you have a guy who can shoot a bow? thats his power?  whats your power? skipping rope? no we here at xmen cant take you, go to the avengers they will take anyone lol

though I must admit, the avengers movies are fantastic in 3d

as for the net and wow and my view of it, ill quote yet again bad religion
the song is a speech called(and yes its tongue in cheek with extreme sarcasm)

The State Of The End Of The Millenium Adress"
 Neighbors, nobody loves you like we do.

 Neighbors, your government has triumphed in finally making you a public fit
 for the 21st century.

 Never before has a governing body shown so much concern for the economic
 well-being of its subjects.

 Today we have insulated you from countless factions who threaten your
 financial viability; such as the poor; the idealistic foreigners still
 clinging to their childish notions of social welfare;

why, you're even kept uninformed of useless propagandist journalism that reports alleged
violations of human rights
(We all know they wouldn't have been punished if they hadn't been doing something wrong!!).

And who better to dispense such blatantly evident factoids but a self-appointed authority like myself?
Acid Rain is a thing of the past... Too many possible causes, too little
significance for our modern thinking public,

besides industrial manufacturing is at an all time low anyway,
who needs those narrow minded laborers.
Too many mouths to feed, and to many burden on the payroll!

Who needs 'em? Here in the land of the free-time.
Some other ass back-ward country will give us what we need by exploiting its uneducated
 children anyway.

 The Internet has expanded our ability to pacify average Americans better
 than ever by offering fantastical adventures to every corner of the

Your home office is the window to your world, and the heart of your social life.

Such reclusive behavior helps clear the roads and public
works from overburden like the lower middle-class and others who depend
shamelessly on their government.

Today you are freer than ever to do what you want,
provided you can pay for it!

 Remember, the first word in USA is US
 We have arrived neighbors, we are the privileged elite!

 its a mock of a presidential speech, pretty wicked to, 1998 it was released anyway, double edged anything, net, ipods, WOW. mmos
just all in how you use it and what you do with it

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Re: What MMOs do you like (no asian-themed please)?
« Reply #14 on: October 14, 2014, 12:40:54 AM »
I played EQ for the first 13 or so years, and occasionally login still. When I get in a MMO mood, it's usually for SWToR, but I usually play solo or with a few friends. Play a lot of single player games. Right now I'm waiting for the next prealpha for Shroud of the Avatar, which will be my next online game.
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