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Messages - Blake00

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Quest for Infamy / Re: Quest For Gory 4.5 inspired this?
« on: March 10, 2013, 12:08:17 AM »
I've dropped by here a few times in the last 2 weeks but somehow missed this thread lol.

Oh dear.. when a fan is struggling to create a shortcut and change its command line in the properties window its probably not best to tell them to mess with dosbox and config files instead lol! But oh well after 4 pages I see we got there in the end haha.

People really shouldn't be comparing this fan game to the real series. Nothing beats the real series. But judged as a fan game QFG4.5 it is one of best because until 2008 (when AGDI released QFG2 Remake) QFG4.5 was the only major kinda finished QFG fan project with rpg and combat elements out there. Yes they were all half broken, things were stolen (some of the music is actually original btw the composer posted over at Curlys a year or so ago much to my surprise) and the game was full of rude stuff but they still did more than anyone else ever did in those days.

I don't even really wanna talk about the QFMG situation. I nearly got banned twice for simply trying to do something that helped the community which was pretty upsetting, but its an important forum that does a lot for the QFG community so I bit the bullet and moved on with other topics there.

And wow that was quick, I only updated the page a week ago lol! I don't know who is working on the new version, I've got a lot of emails over the years from big QFG4.5 fans wanting the source code and I usually just send them in the direction of either IA or AGDI as they both have a copy of the source code so I assume this latest person is one of those fans with a copy. They claim to have done more than anyone else and I've sent as many helpful suggestions to them as I could think of, but for all I know it may never get finished or it was all a hoax so nobody should be holding off waiting for it when it may never happen. Just play the current one with my walkthrough and you'll fine.. ish. :P Don't worry, if something does happen with a new version I'll let the community know. :)

Banter and Chit-Chat! / Re: School For Heroes - By Lori and Corey Cole
« on: November 22, 2012, 08:59:08 AM »
They made it!!!! :)

PS I have arrived lol

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