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Banter and Chit-Chat! / Police Quest creator Jim Walls's kickstarter!
« on: July 16, 2013, 01:14:52 PM »
Well Jim said in that interview with the space quest guys a few months back that he was gonna come out of retirement and sure enough he's back!

Looks like a very interesting merge of modern cartoon style (with almost a dark gothic comic quality) graphics with old style police quest gameplay..

even if you're not a police quest fan you should watch the pitch video as they do a good tribute to sierra there :)

IQ Chat / Re: Quest for Glory fan projects
« on: June 26, 2013, 04:08:37 AM »
lol that conversion sounds joyfully complicated. At least in QFG's case there are websites with many of the midis already converted to mp3/ogg's etc.. its the other games I'm gonna need to figure out the converting.

Also is there options for player controls when using html5 audio tags? When I experimented with them a few years back it just played the mp3 in the background. Not everyone loves music blaring when they load a page lol so I'd like to give them the option to stop it playing like they can with embedded controls.

IQ Chat / Re: Quest for Glory fan projects
« on: June 23, 2013, 11:54:35 PM »
Hey guys I could use some advice. I'm stuck in a bit a situation and it’s dawned on me that there are some very talented webpage coders here who are fans of my site who could help me!

To play all the music on my site I've always just used the old embedding technique that I was taught back in the day to play my midis and mp3s. This has always caused the issue that the site required people to have quicktime installed to play the midis. I've always wanted to make the music more accessible to all and so I was thrilled 4 or 5 years back when they brought out the whole html5 audio tags however I quickly discovered they don't support midi which 3/4 of the music on my site is (being mainly a retro gaming fan site).

Every year I try to find a solution eg checking if html5 has added support for midi (which I’m guessing it never will), is there better code, or a freely available java web based player that plays midis but I never find anything that works or is easy to understand. I knew the day was coming that this problem would get bigger and sadly it looks like today is that day! Quicktime have just updated to 7.4.4 and in that update their midi playing support appears to have become broken. As a result any page on my website that has a midi (which is most) crashes the quicktime plugin and quicktime being its usual awesome self takes the bloody browser with it (jams up a bit later forcing you to restart it). So now I have a website that crashes peoples computers, not cool.

When I posted about the problem on the quicktime support forums I just got burned by quicktime ass lickers refusing to admit this is a result of a bug in the new version and would simply rather pay me out for using old code and not offer a better alternative. So I figured I’d come here!

Is there newer better code that I could use that supports midi and hopefully won’t crash quicktime? Or is there another alternative to play the midis on the website without quicktime that gives me player controls (so visitors can stop the music if they want, like it is now)? Or am I going to have to accept that fact that I’m going to need to convert the midis to mp3 and if so do you guys know a good way I could go about it (eg keeping the file size small without ruining the quality of the midi too much)?

I should point out that I only know basic html from a course I did 12 years ago lol, anything advanced on my site is taken from guide sites for html or java tricks. So you’ll need to dumb down your answers a bit for me lol!
Here's an example of my old code from my main QFG page (that puts the player controls over in the top right of the page):
<div align="right">
<embed src="QFG1GM3.MID" autostart="true" loop="false" height="20" width="150">

IQ Chat / Re: Quest for Glory fan projects
« on: March 31, 2013, 05:18:55 AM »
Cheers mate, I'll have a look at my files and PM ya. :)

IQ Chat / Re: Quest for Glory fan projects
« on: March 29, 2013, 02:21:32 AM »
Hit escape to bring up a menu of buttons that if you hold the mouse over it will tell you what each do, one of them is 'Save' which allows you to save in about 5 different slots. Can be buggy sometimes but it does work.

And yeah most of the time you lose battles (making it feel extra special when you do win lol) but fortunately they made you invulnerable anyway hehe.

The worst bug for me in Win7 was where the mouse cursor would become super slow in all chat menus, didn't seem to happen when I played it in my WinXP VM though thank goodness otherwise making all those videos would have been a nightmare lol.

PS Have updated my Hero6 page with those DLLs incase others wish to try the demo. Sadly GrimQuest was not backed up on the internet archive so its gonna take some time I don't have atm digging out some replacements for those dead links as I know he had some threads in various forums that would still be around. I also have a copy of his alpha demo that worked without needing a connection to his server. However I'm not sure where I could stick it online.. maybe rapidshare or something hmm..

IQ Chat / Re: Quest for Glory fan projects
« on: March 29, 2013, 12:15:30 AM »
lol and right below where it says expired it gives you a link to refresh and get the file.

Still if the game started up and crashed there may be other issues (but get the 2nd file just in case its that). I had a lot of troubles running it in Win7 but fortunately I had a WinXP virtual machine that it worked quite nicely in, but still not perfectly lol. In fact my 2 playthrough videos on youtube are actually stitched together from many videos recorded between crashes and bugs lol! The MAD engine version is very old and very unstable, but very cool if you can get it working.

IQ Chat / Re: Quest for Glory fan projects
« on: March 27, 2013, 05:55:30 AM »
I assume you mean the 2006 MAD engine version. Hmmm can't remember as it was ages ago that I installed it. Knowing me I probably just googled the dll name and downloaded it.

I've had a look in my game folder and there's 2 dll's in there that aren't in the original installer zip:

Which you can get from here

Which you can get from here

Extract both the dll's into your hero6 folder and see if the game runs then.

Thanks for letting me know, I'll have to update my page with this info!

IQ Chat / Re: Quest for Glory fan projects
« on: March 26, 2013, 06:08:09 AM »
a little off topic, but how up to date is your Starflight stuff? Its another favorite of mine.

Brand new section mate, I created it just under a month ago. Been wanting to make a big page for years on the series, partly just for myself so I could listen to the music whenever I wanted haha. Like with QFG please let me know if you come across any good fan projects, their community has really slowed down in the last few years which is a bit sad. The Starflight 3 project was their big 'Hero6' of the fan projects with massive hopes, big expectations, and multiple collapses. :( But unlike Hero6 its back to life again. Hope they get there!

IQ Chat / Re: Quest for Glory fan projects
« on: March 24, 2013, 03:00:03 AM »
Thanks BT :)

Took a few months to originally make in 2010 as I spent days on end digging through web archive sites at old project pages. What was good about those old days was that you all supported each other in that all the project pages had links lists to other projects so every new project I discovered lead to others I didn't know about, the list just got bigger and bigger! Being a massive QFG fan I'd get so excited when I'd find a project I didn't know about and a demo to try out, and yeah I wish a lot of these projects got finished too. Sadly web archive doesn't always back up pictures and rarely backs up downloads and videos so a lot of good stuff is still lost to this day. :(

Myrddin: Oh dear I'll have to do something about that, looks like he took his site down after not getting much interest in his multiplayer QFG idea and something else unplesant has moved in. Annoyingly the webring uploader isn't working today so I'll have to fix it later!

IQ Chat / Re: Quest for Glory fan projects
« on: March 23, 2013, 09:49:26 PM »
Yeah I thought for a while about whether to add Hero-U or not. Hell I think I deleted it and put it back in the list a couple of times lol. In the end I decided to put it there as it's being created by the Coles, and while not set in the QFG universe exactly it appears they plan to use a names and locations from QFG and no doubt there will be many easter eggs, jokes and gameplay influences relating to their QFG games so I deemed it a QFG loosely related project.

Plus lets face it, there's still old QFG fans out there living under rocks that don't know about the Cole's returning to make RPGs so its good to get the word out in each forum my list exists at. :)

IQ Chat / Re: Quest for Glory fan projects
« on: March 23, 2013, 08:32:59 AM »
Been a while since I last updated this in all the forums and as a result there have been many changes to my Quest for Glory Page and new projects found since my last update! Thank you to everyone that’s contacted me with new information over the last 3 years! :)

New QFG related projects added:
- Hero-U - Lori & Corey Cole are back making RPG games!
- Mage's Initiation - Amazing new kickstarter project from the QFG2 remake team
- Quest for Glory ZZT - oldie that slipped my radar
- Quest For 3D - Cool new QFG1 project using the unreal engine
- Grim Quest
- Peril Quest

QFG related projects updated:
- Original QFG3,4 & 5 - Finally finished my playthroughs & tribute pages!
- Hero6 - Original MAD & Final AGS demos FINALLY found and made available! New pics/vids made
- Quest For Glory 4 ½ - New v1.1 walkthrough released! New QFG4.5 Enhanced edition in the works!
- Quest for Infamy - Project back from dead via kickstarter! New pics/vids/demos
- Heroine's Quest: The Herald Of Ragnarok - New pics and trailer vid

General QFG page updates:
- Widescreen support with fullscreen backgrounds
- Thumbnails for faster page loads
- Transparent darkened/coloured box theme overhaul
- Animating intro page
- Animating backgrounds - occasional ghosting in IE
- Custom cursors - won’t work in IE
- Transparent coloured scrollbars - only works in Chrome, Safari & partially in IE

Every time I update the list I wonder if it will be the last time and then new talented QFG fans appear with new projects in the works. Has been quite amazing how things have come back to life over the last 3 years. :)

IQ Chat / Quest for Glory related fan projects
« on: March 23, 2013, 08:29:33 AM »
Hey guys! :)

Figured now that the old IA forums are slowing down now that people have moved here I should probably move my list here too as along with our old fans there are new ones here too, and new fans bring new information!

For details on what and why I made this the old thread is over at IA here, but basically I created a Quest for Glory section on my website paying tribute to the original QFG games and the great many successful and unsuccessful QFG related fan projects out there to make sure that we never forget them and that talented QFG fans are inspired to create new QFG projects in the future. To do this I created a list on the website and collected pics, vids, demos, and information for as many of them as possible.

This is my latest summary of the website list below.

(Note: Originally built in 2001 this website is still deliberately very late 90s early 2000s retro in design. So if you're not nostalgic for old retro websites with music, animating gifs & left click browsing then you probably won't like it)

QFG related game projects list (Updated 2/1/2017) :
- Hero-U (New series of games from QFG creators the Coles themselves)
- Quest for Glory IV 3D Project (my Hexen mod project)
- Quest for Glory 2 Remake
- Hero6
- Quest for Glory 4 1/2
- Quest for Infamy (New version of project)
- Mage's Initiation
- Heroine's Quest: The Herald Of Ragnarok (New version of project)
- Hero of Infamous Kingdoms
- Quest for Yrolg
- Betrayed Alliance
- Quest for Glory I Redux
- Quest for Glory ZZT
- Quest for 3D
- Quest for Glory I: Extended Edition
- Quest for Glory I 2.5D
- QFG6 Hero's Legend
- Grim Quest
- Heroism: The Art of De-Fence
- Quest for Infamy: So You Want to Be a Villain? (Old version of project)
- Heroine's Quest: The Legend of Fair Spring (Old version of project)
- Project Katrina
- Destiny The Lost Soul
- Hero of Odarin I: Nightfall (Previously Adventurer's Quest I: Flight of the Vampire)
- Struggle For Life & Honour
- Peril Quest
- Quest for Glory 3D (Previously Re-Quest For Glory)
- The Unknown Hero
- Glorious Quest
- Unknown QFG Project: By Dormant
- Legacy of Glory
- Unknown QFG Project: By Jimbeanus
- Conquests of a Hero (Also known as A Hero's Tale & Quest for Heroism)
- Quest for Orgy Series
- Luke 3D
- The Last Call of Avoozl
- Quest For Glory: A Hero's Death
- Project Midgard
- The Glory Project

For more details on these games you can now visit my finished Quest for Glory Page. If you have demos, videos, and pictures that I don't have for projects in my list please contact me. Also please let me know if there are there any other QFG related projects out there that I haven't listed here.

Quest for Infamy / Re: Quest For Gory 4.5 inspired this?
« on: March 10, 2013, 03:25:23 AM »
wonder what happened to Orion after that.

haha I forgot Orion said that. He's still Elsa's main admin there. Good bloke actually and oddly enough he told me last year that these days he doesn't actually mind QFG4.5 but doesn't want to admit it publicly in fear of pissing off Elsa lol. He fought pretty hard behind the scenes to keep that one QFG4.5 thread allowed for a few more years but Elsa had had enough as sadly thanks to me it was probably the most active thread in the QFMG off topic area hahaha.

I'm pretty sure I've got a link to a Quest for Orgy demo on my site, I think there may be another demo out there but I could never find it. Fuck Quest other than the 'Quest' name has nothing to do with QFG so its not on my site & I can't help you there sorry.

Quest for Infamy / Re: Quest For Gory 4.5 inspired this?
« on: March 10, 2013, 01:08:28 AM »
Yeah I found the accusation that the makers of the game weren't QFG fans small minded and biased. I mean you don't sit there for a few years making a QFG game if you're not a bloody fan lol. And only a big QFG1 fan would think to make the graveyard catacombs and log accessible cause lets face it we all tried to get in them in the original QFG1 game back in the day haha.

The part you read at the wiki is old. It is no longer allowed to be discussed ANYWHERE there.

Quest for Infamy / Re: Quest For Gory 4.5 inspired this?
« on: March 10, 2013, 12:50:21 AM »
Opps sorry I forgot about your questions!

1. What was all the controversy about when this game came out?
That was all mainly over the stolen content from various sierra games, along with the adult content in the game (rude jokes and sex with hookers and horse ends etc lol)

2. What was the "racist humor" that got edited out of the initial release?  I assume it was something about that one black pirate. (I remember finding it very odd that the game didn't make a joke about his ethnicity given the rest of the humor)
I don't know what got taken out of the original release, I never got to see it. There's still a few gay and race jokes, I don't really remember anything specific and don't really want to lol.

3. What's the deal with that one QFG website that still has a vendetta against this game?  Sounds like a bunch of French, queer fencer guys to me.
Already answered that in last post.

4. What content will be restored in the final version?
I've been told pretty much all the bugs I listed in my walkthrough are now fixed. Hopefully some of the stuff in my 'Unsolved Mysteries' section will be looked at next but not sure.

5. Does the camouflage cape do anything?
Your guess is correct, it was meant to help you avoid monsters but it doesn't work unfortunately.

6. Is it possible to level up stats through combat?  Fighting didn't seem to do too much in this game.
Yes but its dreadfully slow, buggy and bad. Fighters have the best chance. Thief & Mages can fight 50 bloody battles and still have no stat increases grrr.

7. Are all the NPCs complete idiots when it comes to Leprechaun's Gold?
Yes lol. Well except for the magic shop lady I think. Might even get a funny line if you try on her.

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