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Re: XBox ONE thoughts?
« Reply #15 on: June 11, 2013, 06:29:43 AM »
Microsoft clearly doesn't want to be in the video game business. They probably never did, but now they're really making it clear that they're trying to provide a complete home entertainment solution despite the fact that anyone who wants to be entertained at home already owns systems that provide every capability the XBOne features. The only thing I can figure is that developers (or more likely, publishers) have complained about the used games market cutting into their profits, and Microsoft was the only console manufacturer who thought it would be a good idea to cave to the pressure. They want their platform to be friendly to publishers, at the expense of being anti-consumer. They all seem to have forgotten where the money enters the system from.

Oh, there will be buyers for the XBOne - but I expect it'll be the "gramer" crowd in that video I watched ages ago and am too lazy to link, if it even still exists. The ones who actually play sports games - which I can't figure out why Gamestop even accepts, since they more than any other genre become obsolete when a new version comes out. Well, if Gamestop made good decisions, they'd be backing away from the XBOne, since as Microsoft is proud of pointing out, publishers can choose whether to allow their games on the used market or not. Now, not only is Gamestop likely to be party to lawsuits focusing on First Sale Doctrine for having a monopoly on used games and using technology to make an end run around the law, but they're going to have to update their system to keep track of which games they're allowed to take in trade. Publishers in general are probably going to move to allow more used sales of their games quickly when their initial sales drop - just look at the number of copies of new games on used shelves and consider how many people depend on trade-in value to drop the effective price of their games, and realize how the market has sustained such a high price for so long - but it will come at the cost of most gamers owning a competing system despite any former brand loyalty to Microsoft, which they'll never recover from.

My thoughts on the right way to combat the used game market - realize that Gamestop prices their used games at about five bucks less than the new copies, and price games accordingly so that they can't offer a good trade-in value and continue to undercut the price. I also actually like the pack-in DLC codes that PS3 games have been using recently. The used copy is a complete game, but features like multiplayer or other not-quite-core gameplay modes are sold separately, but included with new copies. If the cost of those features is greater than Gamestop's artificial price difference, then it's actually cheaper to buy new if the gamer wants the whole package - and even when the used price drops enough to be the better deal, if it ever does, the publisher still makes a profit on the resale of those features to gamers who care enough to buy them. It sounds anti-consumer, and perhaps it is, but at least it offers some value for the extra cost. All that remains is to make games that are worth the price to begin with - but I'm trying to be realistic here.


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Re: XBox ONE thoughts?
« Reply #16 on: June 11, 2013, 07:04:27 AM »
All Microshit has done is shoot themselves in the foot here.  I won't buy one for sure if they require the net and don't allow used games.  Think about the rental market such as Gamefly and Red Box, both of which I used before shelling out 60+ bucks for the game.  They will be extinct.  Give it 6 months and someone with have soft where to burn the games.  It's bad enough all ready if you buy a game and don't like it it's unrefundable or exchangeable.  Sony will make enormous sales figures while Microshaft loses their ass.  With the high cost of R&D to make these new systems it a colossal error!  As I stated before I will stick with Sony or my already high end PC for games!!!! :)


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Re: XBox ONE thoughts?
« Reply #17 on: June 11, 2013, 07:58:48 AM »
I liked the Xbox360 and the Xbox... but they really seemed to have turned a corner into somewhere I'm not interested in.  I think Sony may win this round.  Kotaku certainly seems to think so!!

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Re: XBox ONE thoughts?
« Reply #18 on: June 11, 2013, 08:24:28 AM »
I've been posting a lot about Xbox vs Xbox360 vs Xbox One on my twitter. Basically, nothing can be better than the original Xbox. They are just getting worser and worser with each generation of consoles. Just think of all those great games on the original Xbox - Morrowind, KotOR & KotOR2, Fable, Myst 3 & Myst 4, Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance... And what Xbox360 has to offer? Skyrim and Mortal Kombat 2011? That's just two games. I have a bad feeling that there won't be any games worth playing on Xbox One.

Now now, I think you're giving the 360 a bit of a short shrift here--there are dozens of awesome games for it.  I have more 360 games than original Xbox games, and I really felt like I went out of my way to purchase every major "great" game that came out for both systems.  ;)
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Re: XBox ONE thoughts?
« Reply #19 on: June 11, 2013, 09:18:27 AM »
I've been following this closely because I am admittedly a "console" gamer. I have an Xbox and a PS3. I always preferred the Xbox 360 though, and seeing the Xbox One and it's regulations on gamers is rather disappointing.

But besides that.... my real issue is I'm not really seeing a huge jump in the gaming experience you would get from this next generation console. In the past the gaming companies would update their system substantially each time before they released a new version, it was the increase in technology and custom features. If you watch the trailers for the new games, yeah they are more detailed from what we have now. As far as game play, I just don't see anything new that I'm not getting now on my current consoles.

I guess the big selling point is the updated specs, and fancy interface. Yeah a game might be able to support many systems at once and have capabilities of a low end gaming CPU, but why waste money when you can get that same experience with the current gen consoles. Anyways, I'm still holding my opinion until I get more info, but as of now I'm not too enthused.


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Re: XBox ONE thoughts?
« Reply #20 on: June 11, 2013, 09:34:04 AM »
Honestly, I'm of the opinion that buying ANY console less than 6 months after its launch date is an iffy decision.  I'm really glad I didn't buy a 360 until a few years after it came out, after they'd properly sorted out the RRoD issues.  Never had any problems with it and it's still kicking.
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Re: XBox ONE thoughts?
« Reply #21 on: June 11, 2013, 11:18:05 AM »
I don't think it's possible to see the massive jump in this gen that we've seen previously because console graphics have effectively peaked, so watching the trailers for next gen games doesn't have that same "woah" factor. 

I own pretty much every current console except the wii and wii u because I was never really into that "family fun" kinda gaming where you have to jump around your living room at Christmas playing tennis against a five year old.  I think Sony wins this round just because they've had the sense to body-swerve that always online thing, no drm, and they are allowing indies to self publish, which the xbox will not.  And of course because they have had the sense to focus at least a little on what kind of games will be released, instead of going on and on about TV.

Also Nintendo just announced they're releasing Smash Bros with Mega Man, so that will make quite a few people happy too!
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Re: XBox ONE thoughts?
« Reply #22 on: June 11, 2013, 01:52:38 PM »
I haven't touched my PS3 or Xbox in ages. I just don't play a lot of games anymore. I bought Bioshock Infinite, loved it but just never feel like playing it but if I'm going to pick any new game up it'll be for my PS3. I don't have any interest in the Xbox One at all so I guess I'll be leaning more towards the PS4. It just looks better, functions better and as we've all discussed the whole used/region free aspect is a big factor for me. Though games at the end of the day is what will make me buy something. I didn't buy my PC for Windows 7 that's for sure.

It seems to me there's a reversal between console launches this generation between Sony and Microsoft. Last time, Sony was riding off of the success of the PS2 and figured we'd kneel over backwards and pay stupid prices for the PS3 because it was the Playstation. I mean, Blu-ray was the USP and it hadn't even won the format war between HD DVD, though it was pretty clear who was winning. Xbox 360 seemed to be more in favour of games on launch and after everyone scoffed at the PS3's launch I'm pretty sure a lot of peopled flocked to the Xbox 360 and it ended up being a successful console mid way into the generation. So now, taking advantage of their success it seems they can just go ahead and announce their plans for the Xbox One and people will still go for it just like Sony did last time. Yes, they will go for it but to me Sony really has the upper hand here. Sony eventually won gamers back but they had a terrible start. They understood they were taking advantage of gamers and they've gone into this generation with the right plan and I generally think it will be a much bigger success then the Xbox One. No doubt about it. It's cheaper-ish, respected and they're marketing it as a games console, not something that wants to replace EVERYTHING. And for those interested, here's a comparison between the two consoles.

And that leaves the poor Wii U. I actually think it's a lot of fun and I'll probably end up buying one just for the new Zelda and hopefully 3D Pokemon game that I just made up now. Unfortunately though, it's pretty much dead in the water. I don't know much about the hardware costs, it might do well enough to make a profit but I don't see it holding any kind of legacy this generation. It's more of an update to the Wii then an entirely new console in my eyes, like DS and DSi. They're only option is to launch a new console aimed at the hardcore gamer, removing the Wii name and marketing it as a 'back to our original roots' console. But that's pretty unlikely, they'll just need to do what they can to keep the Wii U afloat.

And the only things that make consoles popular are games like Call of Duty and FIFA using regular controllers, nobody is going to make a living using gimmicks to play games like that. Unfortunately this is the modern gamer. I actually bought a PS3 because of Heavy Rain and I loved that game. Show Heavy Rain to a 13 year old and they'll think it's a game about brushing your teeth and will ask how they shoot. (which I know you can kinda do later in the game) Fucking kids.
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Re: XBox ONE thoughts?
« Reply #23 on: June 11, 2013, 04:07:06 PM »
I didn't buy my PC for Windows 7 that's for sure.

Oddly enough, that WAS the reason I just bought my new computer -- 'cause I sure didn't want to deal with Windows 8...   :P

Sad to say, my last console was the NES w/ Rob the Robot...   :-[

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Re: XBox ONE thoughts?
« Reply #24 on: June 13, 2013, 02:42:40 PM »
And that leaves the poor Wii U. I actually think it's a lot of fun and I'll probably end up buying one just for the new Zelda and hopefully 3D Pokemon game that I just made up now. Unfortunately though, it's pretty much dead in the water. I don't know much about the hardware costs, it might do well enough to make a profit but I don't see it holding any kind of legacy this generation. It's more of an update to the Wii then an entirely new console in my eyes, like DS and DSi. They're only option is to launch a new console aimed at the hardcore gamer, removing the Wii name and marketing it as a 'back to our original roots' console. But that's pretty unlikely, they'll just need to do what they can to keep the Wii U afloat.

Don't care; Mega Man is in a Smash Bros game.

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Re: XBox ONE thoughts?
« Reply #25 on: June 14, 2013, 10:15:20 AM »
I Have the Wii U, I might get a ps4 but judging on the 15 (count em) versions of the PS3 they released I'm going to wait atleast a year to see what they keep and what they strip out of the new one. In the mean time I've played Mario Kart 8 and it was fantastic.


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Re: XBox ONE thoughts?
« Reply #26 on: June 19, 2013, 08:36:55 AM »
Now now, I think you're giving the 360 a bit of a short shrift here--there are dozens of awesome games for it.  I have more 360 games than original Xbox games, and I really felt like I went out of my way to purchase every major "great" game that came out for both systems.  ;)

Just found out that Lionhead Studios have announced a Fable: The Lost Chapters remake a couple of weeks ago. Now I'm thinking of buying an Xbox 360, haha!
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Re: XBox ONE thoughts?
« Reply #27 on: June 19, 2013, 10:14:41 PM »
It looks like even Microsoft finally realized that their policies were consumer-unfriendly and not likely to help them sell consoles - they've announced that they're removing the DRM they've been so proud of and region-unlocking the consoles, while removing the digital game-sharing that actually was one of the few good ideas they had. The point remains, though - game sharing and reselling was never a concern at all when games came on discs or cartridges, plenty of people don't want to need an Internet connection to play games that don't intrinsically require it, and if a developer wants to take the steam out of the used game market, they should concentrate on making games that nobody wants to get rid of.


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Re: XBox ONE thoughts?
« Reply #28 on: June 19, 2013, 10:19:13 PM »
It looks like even Microsoft finally realized that their policies were consumer-unfriendly and not likely to help them sell consoles - they've announced that they're removing the DRM they've been so proud of and region-unlocking the consoles, while removing the digital game-sharing that actually was one of the few good ideas they had. The point remains, though - game sharing and reselling was never a concern at all when games came on discs or cartridges, plenty of people don't want to need an Internet connection to play games that don't intrinsically require it, and if a developer wants to take the steam out of the used game market, they should concentrate on making games that nobody wants to get rid of.

Yeah, I just read this and was coming here to post about it.  While I'm glad they've "seen the light" and reversed their ill-advised policies, it's hard not to see this as an "Oh shit!  We gotta please the mob!" type moment, and that they only did it because the public put them up against a wall.  I don't believe for a second that they wouldn't jump on any opportunity to strong-arm the consumer if they could get away with it.
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Re: XBox ONE thoughts?
« Reply #29 on: June 20, 2013, 08:36:35 AM »
I don't think it's the public so much as Sony that have forced their hand.  If they had no major competitor, sure folk could bitch and moan, but they'd still buy it regardless.  Sony has essentially undercut them in terms of price and policies the consumer wants.  It's not like MS didn't know before they announced all those shite ideas that the public would hate them, they were just taking a gamble that it would be worth it and it didn't pay off.
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