Infamous Quests

The Games => Quest for Infamy => Topic started by: Kaldire on December 04, 2014, 02:05:43 PM

Title: OCD or just plain crazy? stats maxed before day 1 begins!
Post by: Kaldire on December 04, 2014, 02:05:43 PM (

got my sorc max on all but thief stats, as i have not rested at the inn yet, its still the night were the beast is just behind my stats, took me 6 hours straight, of fighting undead to get my skills to that right off to test that achievement

not hard just mind numbing and well, 10k+ bly, no hex editing.. and this was after the path picked

I sent this to BT but just wondering if this is nuts to most people to max this out so early
Title: Re: OCD or just plain crazy? stats maxed before day 1 begins!
Post by: Fast Jimmy on December 04, 2014, 07:06:46 PM

[url][/url] ([url][/url])

got my sorc max on all but thief stats, as i have not rested at the inn yet, its still the night were the beast is just behind my stats, took me 6 hours straight, of fighting undead to get my skills to that right off to test that achievement

not hard just mind numbing and well, 10k+ bly, no hex editing.. and this was after the path picked

I sent this to BT but just wondering if this is nuts to most people to max this out so early

Well, I think the completion of the first night's puzzle is crucial to the plot, so there was no time limitation to how long you could roam around and grind.

Betrayal at Antara (the ugly step sibling of the more famous Betrayal at Krondor) had a system where no individual skill could go over a certain value in each Act. It helped prevent endless grinding and unlocking the highest levels of magic and fighting skills until later in the game.

It can seem a little artificial, but I also think it introduces a level of realism - learning in humans isn't a straight incline, but rather a line that plateaus and then usually sees levels of high growth before returning back to a steady level. This would (in a sense) mimick that (as well as avoiding difficulty crushing work arounds).
Title: Re: OCD or just plain crazy? stats maxed before day 1 begins!
Post by: Kaldire on December 04, 2014, 10:37:46 PM
Man I love your posts! I'm trying to take notes on how to properly post from ye'. Ah yes the ole Betrayal at Antara. If I remember correctly that is when sierra lost all the IP's and had to rename the game to something else. Still a fun game just without that punch the original had. Even though it was the same engine (just updated) and used sprites etc it was pretty messy, I will have to go find my retail copy and play it again. I'm looking at the other two boxes as I speak! hmm maybe just gog the sucker. Anyway ty for the nice and neat post and getting me to post the same way. Look forums! My syntax and punctuation are great in this post! Hehe. Cheers on ya matey!
Title: Re: OCD or just plain crazy? stats maxed before day 1 begins!
Post by: Kaldire on December 04, 2014, 10:42:49 PM
Where can one purchase a working Betrayal at Antara? I cant seem to find my box, and gog doesnt have it nor would steam if gog didnt doesnt seem to be anywhere!
Title: Re: OCD or just plain crazy? stats maxed before day 1 begins!
Post by: Klytos on December 05, 2014, 12:54:23 AM
GoG has it, it's in the pack with Krondor.
Title: Re: OCD or just plain crazy? stats maxed before day 1 begins!
Post by: Kaldire on December 05, 2014, 01:17:17 AM
oh? woah I didnt see it hidden in the description! friggen cheers! seems ill have to pick that up since its on sale! I didnt get that on GOG since I own the two games already buuuut now that I cant find the 3rd box! well 5.99 here I come! might as well get the trilogy even though the original = the best which do you prefer? the original?
Title: Re: OCD or just plain crazy? stats maxed before day 1 begins!
Post by: Klytos on December 05, 2014, 04:23:22 AM
The original game is the best by far. Best story hands down. The graphics are better, the texturing of Antara is fucking horrible. The spell system is probably better in Antara. I enjoyed Return to Krondor but it wasn't BAK.
Title: Re: OCD or just plain crazy? stats maxed before day 1 begins!
Post by: Kaldire on December 05, 2014, 05:11:30 AM
I feel the exact same way :P still all the games are worth a play, since i cant find the 3rd well might as well get the pack and yea! rock on I remember going into the text files and finding the answers to the chests as a kid. ill have to go back and figure out if age as made me more wise. Cheers again mate
Title: Re: Re: OCD or just plain crazy? stats maxed before day 1 begins!
Post by: Goatmeal on December 05, 2014, 09:12:36 AM
The original game is the best by far. Best story hands down. The graphics are better, the texturing of Antara is fucking horrible. The spell system is probably better in Antara. I enjoyed Return to Krondor but it wasn't BAK.

     Agreed.  BaK was the best.  The beginning/city portion of RtK was great, but once you went out into the countryside, the rest of the game was a let-down.  It felt hurried and unfinished, which was too bad, since such great care was taken with the city portion.

     For all of its flaws, BiA is still very special to me, especially the music, which was excellent.

     Over the last couple of years, I've been playing around with the BiA SCI resource files:
     • I've extracted and formatted ALL of the game's text files and placed them in game-play order, so it reads more like a novel.
     • I've also come-up with the ultimate walk-through: what to do, what alternative actions lead to, etc.  A few actions DO change the gameplay slightly.
      • Also been toying around with a BiA fan-fic short story.

     Someday I'll have to get a website to post all of it.
Title: Re: OCD or just plain crazy? stats maxed before day 1 begins!
Post by: Kaldire on December 05, 2014, 01:04:09 PM
id love that info! And or stuffs(alt game play mode/ walk-through from your take) I just got the bundle on gog. What you did sounds very interesting. Let me know?
Title: Re: Re: OCD or just plain crazy? stats maxed before day 1 begins!
Post by: Goatmeal on December 05, 2014, 02:50:09 PM
id love that info! And or stuffs(alt game play mode/ walk-through from your take) I just got the bundle on gog. What you did sounds very interesting. Let me know?

     None of it is really ready for release at this time; there's still more work to be done on them.  I'll work on them for a few weeks, or until I get bored/tired.  Then I'll ignore these projects for another 9-10 months, only to "rediscover" them again and continue the work...
Title: Re: OCD or just plain crazy? stats maxed before day 1 begins!
Post by: Kaldire on December 05, 2014, 03:38:03 PM
Oh, well put me down for a hell yea! I would like to check that out. In the memory banks "oh my user... my user.. my user.. are you a user?" Ram- from Tron the original :)
Title: Re: OCD or just plain crazy? stats maxed before day 1 begins!
Post by: Goatmeal on December 05, 2014, 11:29:07 PM
Oh, well put me down for a hell yea! I would like to check that out. In the memory banks "oh my user... my user.. my user.. are you a user?" Ram- from Tron the original :)

     Love me some TRON.  I remember the first day of 6th grade, telling my friends about this awesome movie I saw over the summer of 1982...  ;)  

     It's getting close to that time for me to get interested in my BiA project again...  I've been kind of putting it off, waiting for the QFI 1.1 patch (HINT-HINT) before I tackle it again.

     However, if there's anything in the game I can help you with, let me know.  I even scoured the Internet Archive, looking up old websites from the late 1990s when making my own walk-through, even though most of those are woefully incomplete.  (Seeing ALL of the text from the resource files certainly helped!)

     I DO know there are some odd bugs in the game.  Some triggers don't work right, regardless of whether I played the game back in 1996-1997, or even more recently WITH or WITHOUT the version 1.1.0 patch:

     • In Chapter 2 - Waterfork: the Contuso Scroll quest can always be completed, but the Contuso brothers might not trigger properly.  If not, you simply go directly to speaking to their mother Marnia; if it does trigger, you talk to the brothers first, and then their mother second.

     • In Chapters 4 and 7: the bridge between Varnasse and Antara might be blocked the entire game -- even if you (a) talked with the wife of an injured mason in Varnasse (Chapter 2) and (b) talked to the Master Mason in Ticoro (Chapter 3); or, if you simply choose to pay the extortion money to the masons who are blocking the bridge in Chapters 4/7.  Just go around up to Korus Landing, and cross the bridge there to head back down to Antara -- although to be honest, there's no reason to go near Antara until Chapter 7 (and even then, it's just to end Chapter 7).

     • In Chapter 4 - Varnasse: (a) if you talked with the wife of an injured mason in Varnasse (Chapter 2) and (b) talked to the Master Mason in Ticoro (Chapter 3), then if you talk to the wife AGAIN in Chapter 4, you get an EMPTY TEXT BOX (!).  According to the text of the resource files, she's supposed to thank you for resolving the issue (by talking to the Master Mason in Chapter 3).
     If you skip talking to the wife in Chapter 2, you'll get the same conversation if you visit her for the first time in Chapter 4.  Since you don't know about the beef the Masons have with the local government, there is a different conversation with the Master Mason in Chapter 3 - instead of talking about the masons' problems, you'll ask him about Gregor and the Shepherd's Medallion instead.

     • Also in Chapter 4 - Varnasse: a man is hiding out from the Imperial Guards, but sometimes his text box doesn't trigger; you get a "Let's just move on" message instead of his conversation.

     Here are some maps, too.  This is my "enhanced" world map, with easier to read white lettering, added province names and borders, and some spoiler locations.  I also added my own unofficial/non-cannon contribution, "Fork Pass." It actually has a double meaning: I named the narrow mountain pass "Fork Pass" not only because there is a "fork in the road" nearby, but also because it leads to Waterfork.


     And should you chose to spend a little money (burlas) to travel around Ramar, here is a map for the stagecoach/carriage routes, unlocked by chapter:

Title: Re: OCD or just plain crazy? stats maxed before day 1 begins!
Post by: Kaldire on December 05, 2014, 11:55:20 PM
woah holy heck! I have to wait to get to that part haha. cheers on ya mate! As for 1.1 well, I be doing loads, but when I do test stuff, I tend to try almost everything, so it takes time, which I have but, today is/was my bday (37 this year) whoop. And I love that I seem to always be sick, and alone on my bdays but hey. Still finding lots of small issues on the new ver, and a few big dog ones but Im sure it will all be hammered out. STILL have not found the bar again in this though, and nothing about the new area, though again im not far in the game. I did however get the trick down to archery and got 500  100%  which GIVES infamy 25 points! didnt know that found a trick, the arm goes with the MUSIC .. kind of! so I center it, wait for the beat, let it guide it in a mini loop near the center, and let go! tadaa. this can be done in about 10-15 seconds for 5 shots! that fast! yep whoop whoop? still doing that wasted a whole day which i dont like that, the mini game should slow time down not keep going normal, idk! shrug, bullsseeyyyeee back to bed for me and cheers again on the BoK and other stuffffs I can only imagine down the road. PS: tron rocks, still love the original over the remake or numba 2 crap they pushed. Back in the day that was great use of pointless props and I mean really  lacrosse and frisbees? Add some cg (CG like that back then say waaaahh!!) lol was just awesome.. still is. Sorry my brain works oddly, I said Ill store that in my memory banks, then quoted RAM from tron. memory..ram.. yeaaa haha doh bart!
Title: Re: OCD or just plain crazy? stats maxed before day 1 begins!
Post by: Kaldire on December 05, 2014, 11:56:02 PM
I need to get used to this new auto correction stick all sentences together new feature on site :(
Title: Re: OCD or just plain crazy? stats maxed before day 1 begins!
Post by: Goatmeal on December 06, 2014, 12:07:49 AM
PS: tron rocks, still love the original over the remake or numba 2 crap they pushed. Back in the day that was great use of pointless props and I mean really  lacrosse and frisbees? Add some cg (CG like that back then say waaaahh!!) lol was just awesome.. still is. Sorry my brain works oddly, I said Ill store that in my memory banks, then quoted RAM from tron. memory..ram.. yeaaa haha doh bart!

     Yep, while some parts were enjoyable, the only truly excellent thing about TRON: Legacy was the score by Daft Punk.  The original is still the best -- and the Wendy Carlos score is just as awesome!

     And a belated happy birthday to you, sir!  :D
Title: Re: OCD or just plain crazy? stats maxed before day 1 begins!
Post by: Kaldire on December 06, 2014, 12:47:12 AM
I totally agree. Here! I was at this show! Was fargin wicked that no video even HD pro could do it real justice. Skim through it and prepare to trip out! Know this, I was SOBER 100% at the show, sadly! lol July 27, 2007 Daft Punk live at the Greek Theatre in Berkeley, California, USA (tickets sold for 120$ usd saw waaah!) (
Title: Re: Re: Re: OCD or just plain crazy? stats maxed before day 1 begins!
Post by: Goatmeal on December 07, 2014, 04:27:35 PM
    Agreed.  BaK was the best.  The beginning/city portion of RtK was great, but once you went out into the countryside, the rest of the game was a let-down.  It felt hurried and unfinished, which was too bad, since such great care was taken with the city portion.

     Oh, forgot to mention: the score for Return to Krondor was also excellent.  Chuck Mitchell did a great job on that one -- it's really top-notch.