Author Topic: Any plans on a sequel? And any new patches?  (Read 22345 times)

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Re: Any plans on a sequel? And any new patches?
« Reply #30 on: November 13, 2014, 01:13:53 AM »
@Klytos Well, I didn't really mean adventure games because most if not all of them tend to be cheaper. I usually buy my games, but then there are those big triple-A titles that barely lower their price, so that's when me sealegs become active and I plunder the booty forcefully.
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Re: Any plans on a sequel? And any new patches?
« Reply #31 on: November 13, 2014, 01:15:27 AM »
al lowe would be proud of the way you phrased that lololol

ty for the giggle and here here!
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Re: Any plans on a sequel? And any new patches?
« Reply #32 on: November 13, 2014, 08:17:29 AM »
I personally don't like the idea of pirating for multiple reasons.  There is the whole stealing thing, but I also don't want to get malware on my PC.  That irritates me more than bad AAA titles selling for way too much money. 

Instead I just never pay full price for anything.  For example, the Halo Master Chief Collection just released on Tuesday for $60.  Target had a sale buy 2 get 1 free on all video games.  I went in to target, bought 3 copies of Halo, sold 2 on Ebay for about $55 each and I got my game for about $20 after taxes.

I will also wait for price to drop.  If you wait 6 months, everything eventually goes on sale.  And during that time, I read reviews. watch some game play on youtube to see if it is something that I would enjoy.  If it isn't, I don't buy it.  If it is, I do. 

We now have so many ways to "check out a game" before we commit to buying it.  Companies try to prevent this by offering exclusive DLC for pre orders, etc.  If you are someone who has to have the exclusive content, then fine, pay full price and get disappointed regularly.  To me it isn't worth it.
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Re: Any plans on a sequel? And any new patches?
« Reply #33 on: November 13, 2014, 08:40:32 AM »
Well that's the other issue with pirating games now. Malware. Not even viruses, just horrible horrible malware.
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Re: Any plans on a sequel? And any new patches?
« Reply #34 on: November 13, 2014, 12:13:04 PM »

The first (and hopefully only) patch for the game is nearing completion. I've smashed all the bugs, Steve's working on  couple of additional scenes that are nearly done. Then we'll test it and make sure it's good to go.

For the new areas:
• Are they class-specific?
• Are they accessible for all three classes (class-independent)?
• Is it a mix of the two?

Inquiring minds want to know.   ;)


P.S. Thank you for the recent sneak peak of a new Tower Bridge scene, as found on the IQ Twitter feed & Facebook page.  Can't wait for Version 1.1!


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Re: Any plans on a sequel? And any new patches?
« Reply #35 on: November 13, 2014, 12:23:38 PM »
They are class specific; but one can be accessed by all three classes, and that being the bridge tower interior.  The other two can only be reached by their specific class.

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Re: Any plans on a sequel? And any new patches?
« Reply #36 on: November 13, 2014, 01:36:30 PM »
They are class specific; but one can be accessed by all three classes, and that being the bridge tower interior.  The other two can only be reached by their specific class.



?!?!? - Wait a minute:

There are two other new areas/rooms, but there are three classes.  Does one class NOT get a new area (aside from the Tower Bridge)?

Or are there 3 different ways for you to ENTER each of these two new areas/rooms?

Or am I missing something (which is entirely possible...).


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Re: Any plans on a sequel? And any new patches?
« Reply #37 on: November 13, 2014, 02:03:16 PM »
Three new rooms.

Two accessible only by specific class.

One all three can get to, but only one class can get something from it.

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Re: Any plans on a sequel? And any new patches?
« Reply #38 on: November 13, 2014, 03:10:38 PM »

One all three can get to, but only one class can get something from it.

I'm guessing that's because there is no new "special" room for the 3rd class?


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Re: Any plans on a sequel? And any new patches?
« Reply #39 on: November 13, 2014, 03:12:03 PM »
@chucklas really good point mate
Its why I also say, dont preorder anything on the top lines until they all go down in price

and again also good point of the malware and VERY awesome finally a forum knows the diff between malware and virii :P  usually its adware or bloatware or malware in them but rarely virus infection these days
still it happens

cant friggen wait INSERT AWESOME REPLAY FACTOR HERE ---->  whoop whoop!

"open open open open"

old sears commercial I think :)
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Any plans on a sequel? And any new patches?
« Reply #40 on: December 04, 2014, 10:50:22 AM »
To try and get back to the topic of funding...

I agree that the mid-market games are in a barren wasteland in terms of funding. AAA titles that get tens of millions of dollars in marketing do well since... well, since they spend tens of millions of dollars marketing it. And free/MTX/$1 games do well, since free things or games that cost less than a Coke are super easy to buy into.

Games that don't have the multi-million dollar budgets but then also have a more niche audience are the areas where finding money is hard. I'm not sure of the exact psychology behind it, but it seems that around $10 and up, people really start engaging in risk avoidance behaviors when buying video games (but will gladly pay $50 for a steak dinner they eat in thirty minutes - go figure).

In terms of Kickstarter, I think the model CAN work really well. If people are engaged and involved, many projects can meet their goals. However, there are three fundamental flaws.

1) Awareness. This is hard, as people can't give money to your game in a 30-45 day time frame if they don't know about it. I'm sure there are many delightful KickStarter adventure games that never even hit my radar and I'm their target demographic - someone who loves the old Sierra heyday titles, specifically the QFG series and who would rather give more money to an indie developer than a publisher monolith. Yet I didn't pledge to them simply because I didn't know they even existed. What helps here is having some big names attached to the project (like Chris Avellone with Pillars of Eternity, or the Coles for the new Quest for Glory game) or having a very easily digested concept (such as a Quest for Glory game where you can be a scoundrel). Anything more esoteric is going to need to engage some more non-traditional means of drumming up attention or look elsewhere for money.

2) Stretch goals. This may seem odd, but it's something I feel is a real problem with Kickstarter. You've done a great rollout, you are making money, the ability to realize your vision is in sight... and suddenly you now have MORE money than you know what to do with! Great problem, right? Except now you have to do more. People expect every cent raised should be used to make the game bigger and badder. I think a much better model would be "X amount of days to reach $Y goal, whichever comes first." Not to mention the extra headaches and cost involved wih extras like "handmade Egyptian cotton mousepads" or "six autographed tea kettles" that are bundled with many KS games. No extra projects, no raising of the bar... it's nice that everyone wants to help make the game better, but it leads to scope creep and the next problem...

3) Cannibalizing sales. Kickstarter turns possible customers into a backer. Which is great - it helps people who want to make a certain game find the money to do so for the very people who want to play it. The problem is that once the release occurs and all the backers get their game and all the random swag associated with it... you've burned through a large chunk of the very people who would want to play it. Which means developers have a (rather slim) paycheck during development, then empty pockets when it's all said and done. Now, I know there are lots of sales after the game is released (well, hopefully) and that the developers aren't destitute after all their efforts (again... hopefully!), but the problem still remains. How much is left of the consumer base when the backers don't need to buy their copies and the vast majority of interaction on the behalf of the developers has been with those same backers? There's not as much buzz generated come release day amongst people who didn't already pay for the game.

This has led me to adopt the following practices as a Kickstarter consumer. I never back something at a higher dollar value that involves a physical extra (although items like in-game items, such as name in the credits or throwaway reference on a tombstone) are safe territory. I never back a project until its last few days. And I never back a project that is on pace to exceed their goal (unless it is the last day and they look like they might need the push), let alone one that is pursuing stretch goals.

If I see a game I like that is going to make it without my help, I follow the release on Kickstarter and then buy it, full price, when it is finally released. I did that with QFI, Wasteland 2 and Pillars of Eternity (I did back the new QFG and Banner Saga, though). I think that is a much more sustainable method of funding, instead of adding 5 new side quests for the extra $50K you raised, you instead get those would-be backers on the hook for new copies when the game comes out, giving you an actual profit and money to fund the next game.

In an unrelated note, I'd love to see a philanthropic group for video game development, where development dollars could be awarded out for those groups trying to make something more than iTunes shovelware but who don't have huge corporate backers to subsidize their costs. It would help bridge the gap between "working for donations/F2P premium models" and AAA gaming, which just seem to be rehashing first person shooter or action games annually with shinier and shiner graphics.


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Re: Any plans on a sequel? And any new patches?
« Reply #41 on: December 04, 2014, 11:53:56 AM »
Man.... awesome first post! Where have YOU been lurking?

I guess, for me, personally - crowdfunding is stressful.  Running it, and maintaining - it wears on you.  It does, for sure.  There are some great pros to it, but at times I feel I'd rather answer to one person instead of hundreds that demand how you make your game.  That's probably just me being crabby.

One of the fun things about KS was the rewards, but I think so many of us understimated them, and they will clean you the HELL out!  A corporation with a fund JUST for producing stuff has money to cover the production runs of things - and shipping, etc.  A small group will pay out the ass for that stuff.

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Re: Any plans on a sequel? And any new patches?
« Reply #42 on: December 04, 2014, 02:02:22 PM »
very wicked first post

and yep
Im sad i missed the swag for the original kickstarter,
and after making packs for TTGs which took FOREVER, idk about ever doing that again (its also why TTG doesnt sell swag anymore when they used to have some of the best)

just putting a piece of paper, a card, a sticker, a pin .. sealing it, stampin it  with a date s&m season 1 pack stamp x 1000000000000000000000 (yes that number was out my bum
lol just ahhhhhh

still are that many people hassling ya over the ks?

ahem i mean my KS box! lol

PS ALL KS should do backerkits afterwards or still allow for KS donations and merch after goal is reached! provided the merch hasnt been sent out
that alone would help many many people
shroud made so much just after it even met its quota, and still is making upwards what now 2+ million bucks daaamn really..

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Re: Any plans on a sequel? And any new patches?
« Reply #43 on: December 04, 2014, 03:36:44 PM »

Man.... awesome first post! Where have YOU been lurking?

I guess, for me, personally - crowdfunding is stressful.  Running it, and maintaining - it wears on you.  It does, for sure.  There are some great pros to it, but at times I feel I'd rather answer to one person instead of hundreds that demand how you make your game.  That's probably just me being crabby.

One of the fun things about KS was the rewards, but I think so many of us understimated them, and they will clean you the HELL out!  A corporation with a fund JUST for producing stuff has money to cover the production runs of things - and shipping, etc.  A small group will pay out the ass for that stuff.


Heh. I'm a Chatty Cathy once you get me going, what can I say.

I can only imagine how stressful it must be to handle the Kickstarter. Updates, demos, multiple forms of payment, different packages/commitments... you wind up having the full plate of marketing duties usually reserved right before a game's released spread out over the entire game's development!

It honestly makes me wonder if there would be any business opportunity for there being a Kickstarter marketing group - someone who will organize all the aspects of the Kickstarer process, working closely with the team to get updates, art, physical goodies, etc., as well as generating marketing buzz and handling all the payment issues so that the Dev team can focus solely on actually developing the game. Doing that for multiple KS projects could keep costs relatively low rather than having the team have a dedicated FT employee doing that for themselves.

Just a thought.


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Re: Any plans on a sequel? And any new patches?
« Reply #44 on: December 04, 2014, 04:57:06 PM »
You mean not like KSV but something else? and keep chatting, your posts make mine look like poop! I mean yours are perfect, syntax, punctuation etc. easy to read and follow cheers on ya mate, PS : I can post this way buuut, I type off my head out of though aka no buffer lol
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