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Messages - Blackthorne

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I think a MacGyver class would be the bomb!


He'll be here all week, people!  Try the veal!


Quest for Infamy / Re: QFI 2?
« on: August 15, 2012, 12:04:13 PM »
See, that's where we're going different.  You can't even use Roehm in the next game.  You have to start over as a new guy named "Bill", a poor young horse manure-shoveler.  Nothing more infamous than THAT!

(Heh.  Yes, of course, you'll be able to save your stats from QFI 1 and take them to the sequel.)


Goodness, no paladins!


Secret class?  Weird.... you don't say....


I am indecisive since I think that every class has its charm. Well I'll be damned Infamous Quests, I might have to play the game 3 times ;)

Trust me, that won't be a bad thing!


Quest for Infamy / Re: Preview of Physical Tier Rewards
« on: August 15, 2012, 08:03:34 AM »
No, not 1/3, but it is a pretty good chunk of the money raised.  We're doing well, budget wise.


Quest for Infamy / Re: QFI 2?
« on: August 15, 2012, 08:03:01 AM »
And now I've gone cross-eyed!  Well done, my friend!


IQ Chat / Re: Post Kickstarter Update
« on: August 15, 2012, 07:45:38 AM »
Haha, sorry Chadly.  Nidoking pledged $5,000 to the campaign, and became one of the co-producers on the project because of it.  So, yeah, he gets to see everything!


Quest for Infamy / Re: QFI 2?
« on: August 14, 2012, 10:56:43 PM »
Well, Bt has let on that he's thought out aspects of QFI 2 already.  For example, he's got this awesome idea to contain QFI 1 (the world) within QFI 2 (the larger world), including the main town, Volksville.  Perhaps with a map-travel interface (a la Conquests of the Longbow) to quickly traverse locales.  We assume that Roehm has a horse by QFI 2 (if it is in fact he who stars in the second game).

I suspect that all of those details are way off, but the idea of being able to transfer my character into QFI 2, and revisit the old locales is quite endearing, I must note.

Yep.  S_D speaks the truth.  If QFI proves to be a success, this is the goal of QFI2.


Heh.  Glad you liked it, sir.... very happy that you did indeed.


Quest for Infamy / Re: Preview of Physical Tier Rewards
« on: August 14, 2012, 10:31:15 PM »
Bt think it not so bad to refer to Bt as self.


IQ Chat / Re: Post Kickstarter Update
« on: August 14, 2012, 10:30:41 PM »
Ooh! Ooh! Can I see some?

Yes, yes.  You absolutely may see all of it!


Banter and Chit-Chat! / School For Heroes - By Lori and Corey Cole
« on: August 11, 2012, 11:43:11 PM »
Lori Ann Cole has posted over at The Quest For More Glory Forums about a new game they're going to be making based on School For Heroes!

They will be raising funds via Kickstarter in late October, according to her note there.

This is really exciting news; there would be no Quest For Infamy without Hero's Quest/Quest For Glory and I'm very excited about this project.  Corey and Lori have been nothing but gracious and kind to us, and as a personal fan, I'm really, really excited to see what they're bringing to the table.

I'm sure this will be one that many of our fans will be following.


IQ Chat / Post Kickstarter Update
« on: August 02, 2012, 12:04:42 PM »
Hey Guys!

So, this is the second post Kickstarter update for Quest For Infamy.  Honestly, not a lot of really super interesting things are going on - as this is the stage where we gird up our loins, and try and put everything in order!

I mean, it's exciting to me - and to us - people are busily working on assignments.  Right now, Shawn, Chuck and I are working on programming stuff to ensure the game's mechanics work right - you know, our day/night system, the mechanics of the stat system, the magic system, etc.  Getting more ground work done so that the game functions properly.  I hear people like properly functioning games, so that's what we're aiming for here.  Hah!

James has been pumping out musical themes, ideas and sketches.  He's one creative dude.  I know he derives much of his inspiration from the art work that Jeremy has been sketching up, and from the amazing artwork that Ivan, Jon and Jason have been turning in.  They're turned in even more since last update - I'd love to show you more, but I do have to save some surprises for later.  Let's just say it's inspiring me - I'm having a ball working on plot elements and working out puzzles.  I've actually been reading an old puzzle book I found in my book collection, and it's been giving me ideas.  I remember picking up this dusty tome from a local Rescue Mission store years ago.  I had a penchant for buying used books in my youth, and now all my shelves are stocked AND I have boxes and boxes of books... probably why there's a giant library in our Port City of Tyr in the game - I have a real love for books and an affection for giant libraries.

Jenny is back from a much deserved break post Kickstarter.  Let me tell you, she's one of the hardest working girls in the business.  And she's all business - she came home, saw the assignment list I had posted, and has immediately started tacking portraits for the game.

Heh.  I'm getting really excited about all of this.  Things are still moving an easy pace as we try and get set up.  On the clerical side of things, I'm working on the Database set up for all the information we'll be getting from you - as surveys will be sent out WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22nd.  I know they're not going to be very big - just some pertinent info like your address for shipping the physical rewards, t-shirt sizes, etc - but processing almost 1,700 of them is a decent task, and I want to make sure I get it right.

I do love to hear from you all - and on Monday, August 27th, we'll be launching the backers forums as well, where you can get more exclusive content and other goodies.

Also, our Pay Pal is still open, and will be for the first several months of production - and Big Boxes are still available.  If you're interested in upgrading your pledge to get a higher tier reward, please contact me and you can do so via Pay Pal.  You can find the PayPal link at as well.

I also want to give a shout out to a friend of Infamous Quests - Warbird Games and their project "Jack Houston and the Necronauts"  We became friendly with Stacy Davidson during our campaign, and I personally love his vision for the game, his passion for adventure games, and his dedication to the genre.  This game looks like it will be really special, and I'm very excited for it - they have just SEVEN days left to fund it, so if you haven't gone over and looked, peep it here -

I can say you'd be supporting a great team, and a great game - and by supporting games like this, you're also supporting this community of independent adventure game developers.  We're all just excited to make games for people like you, who want to play them, and I, for one, am enthralled at the sense of community we are building.

As always, as I sign out, I cannot stop to thank each and every one of you who pledged and backed us.  We're so committed to making an awesome game, that it literally pours out of us everyday.  It's messy.  There's a lot of cleaning up... but anyway, thank you.


Quest for Infamy / Re: Designing Quest For Infamy
« on: August 02, 2012, 10:37:55 AM »
Yeah - striking that balance is something I try to consider at every step with the work that I'm doing.  It's difficult, at times - what can appear to make sense to you may not to someone else.  That's why working with my team, running things by them, bouncing ideas around.... it's a part of the process I really enjoy.

I always liked puzzles that include a lot of different game play elements - talking to characters to get information and clues, searching for items - combining items and interacting with the environment. 


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