Author Topic: I am Quite excited to play Quest For Infamy!  (Read 2683 times)

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I am Quite excited to play Quest For Infamy!
« on: June 09, 2014, 10:10:46 PM »
     I know you folks must be quite busy right now. But I wanted to say that I am quite excited to play your game. I seem to Identify with fantasy Anti-heros. What you folks have is really quite inspiring. You had a goal and you worked, & worked & worked until you brought it to fruition and didn't give up and that's a great thing. It shows great perseverance and fortitude on your parts.  You all should be quite proud of what you've all accomplished and will continue to accomplish. I hope you will remember that when things get tough during the home stretch. To be honest, I'm more excited for QFI than I Am for the Gabriel Knight Remake. I'd appreciate it if you kept that part to yourselves !:)

I can't wait to play! :)

Respectfully yours,

Erik Parkin