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Messages - Klytos

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Banter and Chit-Chat! / Re: Episodic King's Quest The Odd Gentlemen.
« on: September 22, 2016, 06:27:07 AM »

Banter and Chit-Chat! / Re: Today marks a momentous occassion...
« on: September 10, 2016, 09:26:41 PM »
Nah, I don't beta test. Too many bad memories! Well done to you though, not an easy task and you've done it!

Quest for Infamy / Re: Kickstarter Hits and Misses.
« on: September 06, 2016, 08:31:52 PM »
Hahahaha. I'm in the same boat man.

Quest for Infamy / Re: Kickstarter Hits and Misses.
« on: September 05, 2016, 11:14:03 PM »
I'm in the same boat Goatmeal. I've supported all three of those. I think SV might be the only one that will break into a larger market and be successful. Mage's will be great, but I don't know how many sales it's going to make to be considered successful when it's been nearly a decade in production. I do have faith that Chris and the Himalaya team will deliver a good adventure game though! Hero-U, I have no idea about anymore.

Quest for Infamy / Re: Problems with the time of the game in day 1
« on: September 05, 2016, 05:10:39 AM »
Glad you're liking it!

Quest for Infamy / Re: Problems with the time of the game in day 1
« on: September 04, 2016, 08:16:52 AM »
The clock works differently on Day 1 to the rest of the game. To advance the time you need to complete certain tasks. If you're in the evening section, you need to commit to a task given to you by one of the three available mentors (Prospero, Ian or Kurdt). When you've done that it'll advance to night.

IQ Chat / Re: Re: TKC post-mortem
« on: August 27, 2016, 08:24:28 AM »
It's funny because I agree with you about QFI's appeal, but on the other hand it's also specifically a tribute / pisstake of a specific series so in that respect it should limit it's audience. One thing I do know, I have no idea.

Quest for Infamy / Re: Quest for Infamy v2.0 progress thread
« on: August 25, 2016, 12:04:38 AM »
I assumed that was implied, but I was mostly interested in knowing if the new room dimensions to fit the lower resolution.  That's a big change right?

The room size is slightly smaller so that on tablet it won't have black bars left and right, which will look horrible. We've got a process that is a one-off change in room size it's really just making sure each room looks right and transitions all happen properly. The PC version will be the same, with the option of alternate user interfaces, the classic Sierra style that's in the current game and a more streamlined version for tablet (pull down menu's don't work on tablet - or at the least they're really clunky which sucks).

Quest for Infamy / Re: Quest for Infamy v2.0 progress thread
« on: August 23, 2016, 06:58:21 PM »
Apologies, the forums don't always notify me when there's a new posting so I missed this.

2.0 is still happening. The delay is that 2.0 is also going to be tablet friendly to allow us to port to iPad and Android which requires a look at every aspect of the programming. For example the rooms are currently 320x240 and this needs to be brought down to 320x200, so every room requires a decision on whether I lock off 40 pixels (and where to lock them off, top, bottom, bit of both etc) and then whether north / south room transitions still work, whether GUI's sit properly over the screen etc. I've already fixed the bugs that have been reported and a few other minor things. We're also looking at recording soe aspects of the voice pack again, the particularly bad recordings. Basically it's a lot of work and I'm only doing it part-time now as I've got to work on other things that are going to feed me and my family. But there is light, once that's done (and I'm pretty far into the process) I'll be able to test it on everything and then we'll push it out to the publishers (GoG, Steam etc).

~ Shawn

Merge with crystal shard or the mages initiation team at Himalayan. Ask for a meeting to discuss collaborations and synthesis of style.

No thanks. I have a lot of respect for AGDI / Himalaya but I don't think on a personal level our development styles would merge. Crystal Shard do freeware games and their stuff takes many more years of work than we need to be profitable.

I am a regular poster here at IQ, I have enjoyed every game that you folks have produced, and will enjoy roehm to ruin and Fortress of Fire.  Yeah it sucks that you most likely won't make any more games, but people have to make money at their endeavors unless they are independently weathly.  I for my part have supported all your games via kickstarter, plus bought a nice Qfi tshirt, bought multiple copies of Qfi for friends and will buy fortress of fire when released.  Look guys if I had a 100,000, k to give you to make Qfi2 I would. Thank-you all for all your efforts.


And mate, I truly appreciate it. I don't think this is the END end of us working on adventure games or other game related products. If FoF and R2R aren't successful, it's certainly the end of IQ. I for one have many games designed in my head, some even on paper, and I certainly don't discount the idea of working on one of them in the future. Who knows what tomorrow holds! One day I'm going to write a business and game case of why OOTT failed, it might shed some more light on things. The last thing I want to do is have people think I'm just pissing on our fans for the failure of IQ. It's not the people who've bought the games that are the issue! It's the ones who haven't!

No, I'm not putting everyone in a single box. I'd suggest your post itself is putting people in that box by buying into the argument that COD fans are nutjobs because they won't play adventure games, when the truth is people are complex and are quite capable of playing and enjoying more than one genre. Take these forums as one example of our fans. There's three regular posters here, besides team members. And while we appreciate that, it's not exactly "lots of us" as you put it. There aren't "lots" of adventure game fans out there willing to buy games. I don't even think it's adventure games, I think it's games in general. Your attitude to people who play Go or COD is another example. They're not nutjobs. They're gamers who like different games to you. I play shooters, I just finished FarCry 4 quite recently, I'm working through DOOM at the moment. That doesn't negate that I love adventure games too and have played a few of those recently too.

People had to wait 6 months for OOTT, a game that's sold barely 1000 copies. I stand by my comment, they're not going to wait 5 years for a sequel. They're not going to care in 10 years if we got a QFI2 done. People move on, and their interests move on.

There's no easy answer to this.

Bottom line: These games need to sell more. They're not. Steam isn't a get rich scheme, it's a place where if a game is released and doesn't make a big splash straight away, it's going to drop off the front page and down the search results and linger.

Where's the renewed interest you speak of? I don't see it. I see some new adventure games make a splash, but even critically successful ones aren't selling any reasonable amounts (Kathy Rain for example).

Assume that the hard-core adventure game fans all buy a copy of our games (which they don't - simply based on the number of people in Adventure groups on Facebook compared to our sales), we still need to crack into the wider general market somehow. We don't need to sell millions of games. But we need to sell enough to cover our production time and pay our workers.

IQ Chat / Re: The future of Infamous Quests
« on: July 19, 2016, 12:46:34 AM »
Hey Goatmeal, thanks for the kind words! You're right too, we have accomplished a lot with our crowd-funding unlike some other projects; some of which have gone back to the well because they ran out of money and others just haven't delivered. If I was to dig a bit deep here, I would say the failure to deliver of some of those "big names" from yesteryear has done a significant amount of damage to the entire adventure game scene.

We had already made the decision to whittle down OOTT into three games instead of four, Fortress of Fire includes some content that was going to be in the fourth game and Monk and the Mountain was going to finish the story. I'm not sure if we'll conclude the story with FoF now, we'll have to talk about that some more. It's at a stage where changing the ending of the game won't be a catastrophic problem.

No probs. I have more than that in my files somewhere I can dig out sometime. Maybe. I'm not sure how much extra stuff will be spoilers.

And I agree about Feist! When I first read his stuff and as he introduced new areas, I used to refer back to the maps to figure out where I was located. Although I knew the Kingdom pretty well because I'd played Betrayal at Krondor so much.

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