Author Topic: Never mess with a fat dude  (Read 2256 times)

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Never mess with a fat dude
« on: July 13, 2014, 08:31:47 PM »

For some reason I think I may have posted this before but in case I didn't, just wanted to post this.  One of the Achievements for the game reminded me of this. :)


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Re: Never mess with a fat dude
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2014, 08:45:19 PM »
Pity the fat man.

Born into one of the worst fates imaginable, he is to girls what garlic is to vampires and he is to bullies what a corpse is to vultures.

Most fat men suffer depression and low self-esteem.  However, they tend to be quite nice.  They have to be- the superstud jocks, coddled by school and society, can easily afford to be psychotic assholes to everyone around them and be held in awe and worshipped for it and have their sins washed away.  The fat man is desperate for acceptance and sees no other way to it but kindness.

But.... beware.... beware the fat man.

The fat man suffers much abuse in his life.  MUCH.  And rarely does he have an outlet.  Desperate to fit in and be liked, he instead is constantly ostracized and insulted.  This anger boils up inside him with no hope for release, and no/few girls to throw themselves at him for a different kind of stress reliever.

Though it's unlikely he will ever harm you, there is a limit to how much abuse he can take.  At some point he may very well snap- and take all his anger on you.  The psychotic asshole cannot understand this for he constantly burns away stress/anger by abusing everyone and everything in his path.  He can never understand the power of a lifetime of hatred, bullying and ostracization- and he can never prepare for dealing with that anger for he cannot imagine or begin to understand it.

So beware- BEWARE THE FAT MAN!  He's nice to begin with, so why be a dick to him for no good reason?  He may not have muscle but he has plenty of fat, and in that brief moment of rage the power, undiluted power of anger will possess his body and make every last inch of fat in in into Herculean strength and every last blow of his as accurate and deadly as a bowshot from Robin Hood.  And when it does, the world loves an underdog and hates a bully, so all will glorify and hail him for living the Dream while you'll become Satan Incarnate and be mocked for your humiliating loss to him.
