The Games > Quest for Infamy

The big, blurry map...

(1/2) > >>


In looking at the big, blurry map on the Facebook update... with the knowledge that close-ups and other screens are not represented here... will we be able to visit all 150+ rooms/screens as shown in the first game?

Or will we visit only a portion of the map in Game 1, expand into a few others areas in Game 2, Game 3, etc.?


I think I'm okay in saying this, but if not, I'm sure it will be removed.  But yes, the big blurry map is just Game 1.

Intendant S:
It's gonna be kinda hard walking around in a haze like that.   ;D

When the haze lifts it gets easier.  The problem is that after a while it really does start to look like that.

lol Nice Chuck.


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