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Banter and Chit-Chat! / Re: Episodic King's Quest The Odd Gentlemen.
« on: June 18, 2015, 03:13:27 AM »
Intelligent puzzle and exploration gameplay? In a King's Quest? Have you played the originals?
Haha! Intellegent puzzle isn't the right term for me it is all about immersion and the right atmoshphere

Banter and Chit-Chat! / Re: Episodic King's Quest The Odd Gentlemen.
« on: June 18, 2015, 02:52:19 AM »
Copying the icon artwork does not a KQ5 interface make.  This whole game feels like a cynical nostalgia cash grab to me.  It will all hinge on how well they're able to do intelligent puzzle and exploration gameplay.  That's the key to the series.  All the rest is just a fancy dressing.

The interface  will suck, but you are right the game hangs on the puzzles and exploration .

Am not sure you would bother investing so much into the production values if it was simply a cash grab. It is a high risk strategy to spend millions to just pretend you are interested in the series.
Still it is all speculation till next month

Banter and Chit-Chat! / Re: Episodic King's Quest The Odd Gentlemen.
« on: June 17, 2015, 04:07:49 AM »
Just over one month till episode one releases, will you buy?

IQ Chat / Re: What gos into making an adventre game like qfi?
« on: June 12, 2015, 08:35:56 PM »
You are probably far more concerned about the fate of the broncs and maroons anyway and on that front you must be very happy. Sadly my Warriors have gone backwards this year (didn't think that was possible), already looking to next season and hoping RTS and Luke can be our saviours.

 Think international football will be very good over the next few years as they are pretty evenly matched.

IQ Chat / Re: What gos into making an adventre game like qfi?
« on: June 12, 2015, 02:38:03 PM »
Yip I will give you that.... You used to be the best team in the world

IQ Chat / Re: What gos into making an adventre game like q
« on: June 12, 2015, 05:47:58 AM »
Speaking of Kiwis, is it three tests in a row they have beaten the kangaroos?

IQ Chat / Re: What gos into making an adventre game like qfi?
« on: June 11, 2015, 06:23:13 PM »
lol klytos no worries no need to put "dont mean to sound like an asshole" lol we know youre not matey
We do??? :)

Banter and Chit-Chat! / Re: Episodic King's Quest The Odd Gentlemen.
« on: June 04, 2015, 03:53:54 PM »

Is probably the best article on the game that I have read. It does answer some of the questions like the interface, confirms that it won't be an action / platformer and is a puzzle driven game in an open world. Of course we won't know till release... but if they make the game they say they are making I think I will be happy

Banter and Chit-Chat! / Re: Episodic King's Quest The Odd Gentlemen.
« on: June 02, 2015, 04:45:28 AM »
People are assuming a hell of a lot about this game.

My two cents worth: Classic adventure game fans aren't the target demographic for this because, as anyone who frequents those forums knows, nobody there actually likes anything to do with adventure games that has come out since 1992.

I agree that they are clearly looking for a wider audience then the classic adventure fan. But it is also pretty obvious that they are at least attempting to make a game that will appeal to fans of the original series. Heck I was expecting to be extremely let down by the game but the more I see and read the more I have reason for hope. Of course we won't know till the release...

Banter and Chit-Chat! / Re: Episodic King's Quest The Odd Gentlemen.
« on: June 02, 2015, 04:04:25 AM »
I really like this quote
"Meanwhile, the game itself is very open. Like the first game, it's set in a big, open forest for players to explore, and the way this is tackled also has an impact.

"The order in which you solve puzzles and the decisions about how you solve that puzzle really changes the story,"

Read more:

I have many problems with the Telltale style, but maybe the biggest is the world never feels very open.

nope wont be anything like telltale, its going to be a platformer, think, trine + kings quest. the name is all that will exist

Not sure if you are joking but I don't think any of the press has made the game sound like a platformer. The jury is still out on whether it will be what a traditionalist would deem an adventure game

So far, literally everything they have shown us has been all flash and no substance.  We still have not seen what the actual gameplay looks like, what the interface looks like, what puzzles look like, etc.  The whole marketing campaign stinks of classic "lipstick on a pig" syndrome.

True we haven't seen the substance, so all I can say at the moment is it looks like a killer shade of lipstick!

Have people been following the "behind the scenes" series at

Most of what I have seen so far looks pretty impressive. Am guessing this project had a fairly healthy budget

IQ Chat / Re: Kickstarter for TWO new adventure games!
« on: April 16, 2015, 03:21:24 PM »
Haven't backed yet but will do, unfortunately will not be as much as I would like to.  Of the three the stretch goal game looks most appealing to me,

How much will the lute need to be used in The Kings Challenge? I know you don't need my suggestions but I would say make sure you get lots of people to play test and evaluate  the role of the lute. This feature could make or break the game.

Banter and Chit-Chat! / Re: Episodic King's Quest The Odd Gentlemen.
« on: March 22, 2015, 01:15:03 AM »
I agree completely Lamb that it has never been about the story. The problem is certain fans have convinced themselves that is where the magic lies. They constantly talk about "canon" and want to defend the story of Kings Quest like a fundi wants to defend the bible. Have a look at some of the stupid debates they get into over royal family lineage etc (was way more of this 10 years ago). The magic for me was never the story and was the immersion.

I did have slightly more hope for the series when I read that Ken and Roberta gave the director the following advice "They used to have this pyramid that was those three things—can’t be too much story, the interactive novel type of thing, it all needs to work together"

Banter and Chit-Chat! / Re: Episodic King's Quest The Odd Gentlemen.
« on: March 21, 2015, 09:35:35 PM »
Overall I am looking forward to the release. It is clear the developers are fans of the original series and seem very aware of the legacy they are dealing with.

I echo some of Klytos sentiments regarding the rose tinted glasses that some wear when looking back at the classics. One thing in particular is how many in the community talk as if the classics all had these really in-depth stories. Most of them were story driven, but usually by a fairly basic, straight forward story. In later games they often offered extra back story that could be explored by the super-fan but the surface story was pretty basic.

I like it that the developer wants to make the Kings Quest that would have been released in 2015. As Mark Twain said "Tradition is not wearing your Grandpa's hat, it is buying a new one like he did"

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