Author Topic: Forum Guidelines  (Read 9615 times)

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Forum Guidelines
« on: June 04, 2012, 06:54:14 AM »
As in all social situations, some niceties need to be observed. So here's what you need to know to get along with everyone at Infamous Quests (and equally as important - how not to get banned!)

1. We won't tolerate flaming. This means you can't just insult people. Personal insults directed at IQ, it's team members, or other posters on our forums will NOT be tolerated at all. This also includes trolling, don't go looking for an argument or being an ass just to get noticed. You'll get noticed and not in a nice way. You WILL be warned, your post could be edited, locked or deleted and you could be banned.

2. We won't allow spamming of the forums with online game links, unsolicited porn, or pirated software.

3. Stay on-topic. Conversations are allowed to drift around the topic (for example, a post about music might flow into talk about guitars, then 80's hair bands, then why Van Halen rule so much.) What we don't want is a random post about something completely unrelated being posted in a thread. For example, the conversation is about music then someone posts about how they got drunk last night. Start a new thread.

Now for what you can expect of IQ and our moderators.

IQ is a softly moderated forum. This means we will rarely moderate a conversation, lock it or edit your post.

You needed to be 15 or over to register on our forums. This is because we don't believe in censoring people. Anyone can post whatever they like about any topic. We don't care. Religion, Politics, Sex are not out-of-bounds for our conversations. Just don't break our rules.

These are adult forums where adults post, so don't expect us to moderate people or posts that you find insulting. We generally won't do it because above all else, we honestly don't really care too much.

Above all, have fun, enjoy a robust conversation with people of differing viewpoints, and don't take everything too seriously. After all, it's just letters on a screen.
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