Author Topic: Has anyone actually received their physical boxed edition of Quest for Infamy?  (Read 85726 times)

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It appears that you guys aren't reading my posts.  Let me try again.

Time. Is. Not. The. Issue.

If they were still working on the game I'd be fine with that.  If the physical rewards weren't done yet I'd be fine with that.  If Blackthorne said rewards aren't being shipped because of whatever, I'd be fine with that.

What I'm not fine with is telling people that their rewards will ship tomorrow or on the weekend, or next week and then not doing so.  Don't tell people you are going to do something if you have no intention of doing so or are unable to do so.

As to all this defense of the difficulty of shipping stuff, I don't buy it.  I've sold on eBay for years and I've easily moved 25+ packages in a week by myself.  Doing so while working a full time job, family, having a life, etc.  An hour or two worth of time in the evening preparing packages and mailing them on my lunch hour the next day.  If eXoScoriae's calculations are correct and using an average of 10 packages a week, everyone would have their items by now.

The only conclusion that seems to make sense is that they ran out of money which is quite feasible if they did underestimate the cost of fulfillment.  That being said, I even offered to pay for my shipping and suggested that they offer it to the backers as an option to help easy the burden but received no response.

Please understand, I don't want to be making these posts and I do think that Steven is a stand up guy that is most likely in over his head with the fulfillment but the empty promises being made to people is in very bad form.

If it's not happening, don't tell people that it is.  Simple as that.


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but... i want my cooooool qfi stuff!


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It appears that you guys aren't reading my posts.  Let me try again.

Time. Is. Not. The. Issue.

I beg to differ. Time is absolutely the issue. Why are you asking questions about promises that were made to you that you aren't getting answers for?....Because people pressed him for those answers and for those promises because.....they're worried about the amount of time it's taking. Don't pretend that's not where all of this is stemming from. This entire problem wouldn't exist otherwise.

Everyone needs to just shut up and wait. Nothing is going to speed the process along.

The only conclusion that seems to make sense is that they ran out of money which is quite feasible if they did underestimate the cost of fulfillment.  That being said, I even offered to pay for my shipping and suggested that they offer it to the backers as an option to help easy the burden but received no response.

Maybe you're right and maybe he should. Is anything you're saying really helping? I'm just floored because you all actually got a game. You got it. They delivered exactly what their whole campaign was about exactly how they said they would. It was everything they promised and they gave it to you. And you're going to write off their integrity entirely over the stupid rewards? I can understand if a KS completely failed to deliver outright, and there was no compensation given (even though none is required), but this one finished in incredible time. And causing unnecessary stress to the man while he's doing the best he can isn't going to help anything. Just wait. I've been waiting for Double-Fine's stuff for 4 years and it's finally shipping. SpaceVenture has just missed its deadline, let alone the rewards. I just didn't expect this amount of whining over the rewards after getting the actual project. Unbelievable.

Honestly, Kickstarter was the worst thing to ever happen to gaming. Indie gaming, specifically.

I'm sorry, I'm heated. I just hate seeing this kind of attitude ferment into such a big problem for so many people. And I'm not just talking to you specifically, helmishgen. There are a lot more much less civil and much more vocal and negative people out there throwing tantrums over this.


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@MusicallyInspired. I totally agree with you.  Some backers are acting like children.  I understand the frustration bUT what about the KS projects I funded that deliverd nothing? That really burns me. Kickstarter is a huge gamble.  I am waiting for spaceventure and hero u which are years late. I won't support any more KS's due to being burned.  Bt  has posted his reasons for the delays, but they don't seem to comprehend them.  Patience is needed not scornful remarks has some have made sadly. Let them bitch because Steve's not answering. I can imagine the stress this is on him and his family.  CHADLY. :)


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MusicallyInspired, you fanboy hard.   ;)

Come on, guys.  You don't find it the least bit odd that after over a years worth of shipping we have little to no evidence of it?  I did some digging and all I found was this:

The guy even talks about all this in the description.

So with the post on Kickstarter that's one game and one companion accounted for.  You don't find that odd?

No posts on the forums of "Got my physical copy!  check out this badassness!", no unboxings, no reviews on Youtube, it's weird.  I know our community is small but I don't think it's that small.

All I'm saying is it doesn't add up.

I'm right there with you guys with the other campaigns and I've been burned a number of times myself.  I guess I just really don't want this to be one of them, in any part of the campaign.  I have to disagree that the rewards aren't important.  The rewards dictate the pledge.  To offer up something to encourage people to spend more money and then not follow through is dishonest and wrong.  I'm not saying that is happening here at all.  Just that it is an important factor of the whole process and it's probably the factor that gets campaigns funded more often than not.

As an aside, the Companion is now available through Amazon.


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wait so..
some guy did get a huge box reward..?

and then.. sold it on ebay? wtf?

1. how did he get it
2. why did he sell it, thats very uncool

"Well... to my knowledge, thus far I'm the only owner of a physical copy who is also a Kickstarter backer of said game. "

the quote above and his description disturbs me, and prolly should upset bt and the crew.. you dont gloat like that..
im the only one BWHAHAHAA now i sell ..

and then down the desc he spits in the devs and our faces

"Can this change in the upcoming months before the end of the year and the backers will finally be getting their long overdue physical goodies? I suppose so... I just wouldn't bet on it based on all the previous promises of impeding shipping of physical goods, only to disappoint the backers time and again."
now im a bit.. upset

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Yeah, comments were not cool and clearly he's not a true fan.  My box will be right there along side all of the Sierra greats, right where it belongs.


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Hey all, could it be this mysterious poster and owner of the companion and game is a liar?  Could it be he is full of shit? Is he telling the truth? Who knows? ALL I know is I support a great company who makes great games and will continue to do so. Chadly


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That Ebay dude is a dick. He's not the only one who's got one, and plus - he sold it? After bitching? What a douche.

(EDIT: Also, starting bid $50? Top bid $143? Reserve not met? Cripes.... He was only selling the DVD case of it....)

I'm sending out when I can, bigger packages haven't gone out yet.  I keep trying my best; I sent out a couple, got some reports of bad shipping, so I ordered some new shipping boxes from ULINE, trying to pack things up and send them out when I can.  I understand some people are mad, and some people are amazingly awesome and patient.

I know now why companies have their own shipping departments and packaging departments, because, really, I can't handle this task myself in any kind of timely manner.  We'll probably never do anything like this again because we've generated absolutely zero profit as a company (and I'm so far in the hole personally, sometimes I feel like the best thing I could do would be to pass away and hope there's a life insurance policy on my for my family) but if we DO, I'd make sure to hire a production house.  Many have sprung up in the wake of Kickstarter and physical reward production and I would add their cost into the goal of Kickstarter... but, alas, we didn't.  I have funds allocated for shipping - this isn't my problem, it's time and effort, which I have in rare supply from myself.

Anyway, I appreciate the support from those who give it, and while I understand the puckish and spurious attitude of some, I can't really do much to speed up the process to your liking at this point, so hold tight, and you'll get your rewards soon.  I'm just glad you got the game, as that was the most important thing.

I hope you're all doing well, really, you guys are great.  Sorry this end of things hasn't worked out as I hoped.

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@Blackthorne, seriously man, if I lived near you I would volunteer to assist with shipping just to get it off your plate.

A question, the Companions on Amazon, are those from you guys or a third party?  Can you utilize Amazon fulfillment for the Companions at this point?


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Those are third party; it's print on demand.  The company that printed the books for us runs that end. 

Thanks for the volunteer of help, I appreciate the sentiment.  It's just hard, for me, right now to get any help.  Hopefully I'll get some soon and I can get a great volume out at a time.  Really, I wish I had just someone who could sit in my living room with all the stuff, a spreadsheet, and start boxing and labeling all day long...

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been there dude omg been there

dont envy you!

as for that ebay guy yeaaaa
ughhh really...people kinda make me ill!

hugs bossman huge ones

and hugs to everyone still hanging on and supporting !
IQS for life!

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MusicallyInspired, you fanboy hard.   ;)

I'm not a fanboy, Steven is a good friend of mine.


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MusicallyInspired, you fanboy hard.   ;)

I'm not a fanboy, Steven is a good friend of mine.

It's true, we've been friends for well over a decade.

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"I'll make sure to send your packages out next. I'm sending out some tomorrow (Friday) and I will specifically send your packages. I'll send you guys receipts and pics via PM tomorrow afternoon."

You posted that to me and 2 others back on Oct. 27th.

This suggests you haven't sent a single package since Oct. And that is without getting into the debate as to whether you have *ever* sent anything out (apart from the one guy on eBay).

This isn't about patience at this point. It is about repeated false promises. 

As I posted in the KS comments, this sums up the last 14 months:

September 2015 - Yay, the boxes are here!
January - I'm sending out a few each day.
April 1st-20th - Boxes are being sent every day
July 18th - Your boxes are going out soon.
Oct 27th - I'll send out exo's and two others next to prove I'm shipping

I just went and added up the number of people who pledged at tiers that included the physical dvd and/or the big box. I came up with 375 (rounding up).

If you had sent even 1 game a day since they came in, you would be done by now. So your claim that you are sending a few every day is bull.

Even if you had sent 3 a week, which I remember you stating at one point, then you would have had half of them sent out. And yet, how many people have come to your defense and stated they received theirs?

I do believe you have sent some out. But I also believe you go months at a time without sending anything out, and then exaggerate about how often you have sent items in the comment section.

I've mad my intentions clear both at the KS and to you in a direct comment. And it is a huge bummer that it has come to this.