Infamous Quests

The Games => Quest for Infamy => Topic started by: Voltaire on June 18, 2012, 12:32:04 AM

Title: How To Melt Teeth
Post by: Voltaire on June 18, 2012, 12:32:04 AM
Seems we have a bit of an illogical problem here.

I have tried everything that makes sense, and nothing has worked.

Are we faced with a problem that requires an illogical solution?

Hope this game doesn't drift too far from normal logical solutions.
Title: Re: How To Melt Teeth
Post by: Lambonius on June 18, 2012, 12:41:58 AM
Nope, it's definitely logical.  ;)
Title: Re: How To Melt Teeth
Post by: Voltaire on June 18, 2012, 12:46:59 AM
Must be something involving pixel hunting, cause I tried putting the teeth in some kind of container to put in the forge.

Nothing is working.
Title: Re: How To Melt Teeth
Post by: Blackthorne on June 18, 2012, 12:48:58 AM
Did you get everything in the forest? 

Title: Re: How To Melt Teeth
Post by: Voltaire on June 18, 2012, 01:03:19 AM
I see. So it was a bit of pixel hunting.

There is absolutely no way I would have found that, as it simply blends in the back ground.

Another slight problem I have is w\ the container, as it seems it would melt together w\ the silver.

Was the mug at that point not apt for the job?

This problem seemed somewhat illogical together with all-out pixel hunting.
Title: Re: How To Melt Teeth
Post by: Blackthorne on June 18, 2012, 01:54:22 AM
You can explore the forest during the day - yes, it's harder to see at night, but it's plainly visible during the day.  First rule of adventure gaming - explore everywhere!

The glass would have melted and fused with the silver much sooner.  The tempered steel of the helm has a much higher melting point than silver.  Yet, it's still hot - and does crack in half when you submerge it in water.

Title: Re: How To Melt Teeth
Post by: Sirisul on June 18, 2012, 01:58:16 AM
Damn it, i played the rogue and the sorceror, I wasn't going to bother with the brigand.... guess I better, lol.
Title: Re: How To Melt Teeth
Post by: rugged on June 19, 2012, 06:37:55 AM
I did struggle to find helmet, but once I did I put it down to me not being thorough enough in exploration. I had no problem at all with the logic behind putting the teeth into the helmet. This was certainly within the realms of adventure game logic and I can think of many puzzles in the classics that would leave this one for dead in terms of being illogical.
Title: Re: How To Melt Teeth
Post by: Sirisul on June 19, 2012, 07:05:35 AM
Well said Rugged, if I flew through a game, even the demo, I would want a refund.  Besides, the taste of victory is so much more sweeter when I fist pump the air after cracking a bastard of a puzzle.
Title: Re: How To Melt Teeth
Post by: Klytos on June 19, 2012, 07:07:25 AM
For a Kiwi, that made a lot of sense!
Title: Re: How To Melt Teeth
Post by: Nanuaraq on December 03, 2012, 04:15:49 PM

But I really need a hint. Seems everybody but me can finish the brigand's quest.

Spoilers begin here

I am still struggling, even after reading about using the mug to distract the smith. I got the tongs, the head, the helmet. And now what? I can't seem to do anything with the forge or the items, cannot combine the items, cannot use them on the forge.

Allow me a: "Huh?". Tried using the sword to cut out the teeth. Tried using the tongs to pry them out. Tried putting the head in the helmet, tried holding the helm with the tongs (it says I cannot do that just yet, so I must be onto something). I tried putting the head in the forge, tried putting the helm in the forge. Nothing. Tried putting the head in the pond to see if any piranhas wanted to clean it out for me. Nothing.

Oh, and I only just now realized that you have to do the fishing pole quest when it's dusk. I tried it at night and thats undoable.

Blackthorne, I may have discovered a bug: I did the wizards' playthrough, and got the blood into the mug, no problem. Now, when doing the fighters playthrough, using that mug to distract the smith is possible only if it's empty. However, it is possible to fill the mug with blood during the fighter's playthrough, and if you do so, the game becomes undoable, since you cannot distract the smith with that. It seems the filled container cannot trigger the same action as the empty container. In the rogue's playthrough, it was not possible to fill the mug with blood.

And may I add what a pure delight it was to suddenly discover a demo of a game I've been waiting years to try out? I got here because Lori and Corey Cole did a kickstarter for their new project, and they linked to your game.
Title: Re: How To Melt Teeth
Post by: Blackthorne on December 03, 2012, 04:28:22 PM
I'm pretty sure you use the sword on the head to cut out the teeth... I'll have to play it later, but try using the sword from the inventory on the head... or click the head on the sword in the inventory screen.

You put the teeth in the helm, use the helm on the tongs in the forge, and you put them in the water - getting the melted teeth...

You can distract the smith in another way besides using the mug, I'm think....

I'll try these out a little later, but I hope this helps!  Glad you enjoyed it so far!

Title: Re: How To Melt Teeth
Post by: Jerminator on December 03, 2012, 07:50:24 PM
Slapping the hell out of a defenseless animal nearby may be a good distraction too. May need to be a bit sly to pull that off though!

Glad you found us and are enjoying the demo. 
Title: Re: How To Melt Teeth
Post by: chucklas on December 04, 2012, 08:31:50 AM
I would consider the mug with blood to be a bug.  There really is no reason to fill it if you aren't doing Prospero's task.  I'll fix that! 

As for the other way to distract the smith, if you do the fishing pole task, you can't do it.
Title: Re: How To Melt Teeth
Post by: Nanuaraq on December 04, 2012, 04:58:56 PM
Ach, mea culpa, mea culpa.

Sorry for messing with you guys.

It seems I'd messed up my save games, so the one I thought was my fighter's playthrough savegame was my wizard's savegame. This of course explains both the issue with not being able to cut the teeth from the beast's head and the thing with the mug being full of blood. It wasn't the fighter's playthrough anyway!

Anyway, have finished the fighter's path now (I loved the respond you get if you get the silver disk out of the water without using the tongs)

And by the way, I noticed a slight glitch: When returning with the teeth at night to the smith's workshop, the smith was suddenly standing next to the forge, instead of next to the anvil, hammering on his iron which was resting on thin air instead of on the anvil. Didn't change anything, he could still turn around and I could throw the glass, but it sure looked funny. I got at savegame of it, would you like it?

Title: Re: How To Melt Teeth
Post by: chucklas on December 04, 2012, 05:00:43 PM
I don't need the save game, but a screenshot would be great if you could!  Thanks!
Title: Re: How To Melt Teeth
Post by: Nanuaraq on December 05, 2012, 04:38:27 PM
There ya go
Title: Re: How To Melt Teeth
Post by: Bad2DaBone on January 30, 2013, 02:36:29 PM
Can you still distract him if you've already driven away the horse?
Title: Re: How To Melt Teeth
Post by: Jerminator on January 30, 2013, 02:39:10 PM
Yea! There is an alternate way. Something breakable might be very useful.