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Messages - Klytos

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Banter and Chit-Chat! / Re: Bt's Wife Goes Viral
« on: June 13, 2017, 08:36:52 PM »
You should copyright the photo so they have to pay a royalty to you.

Also, the title of this thread could be interpreted in a pretty bad way.

Banter and Chit-Chat! / Re: Caitlyn Jenner still has a pair!!!???
« on: May 13, 2017, 05:47:11 PM »
There's no way this thread ends in a good way.

Banter and Chit-Chat! / Re: Conquests of GOG
« on: May 06, 2017, 07:38:37 AM »
As much as I'd love to work on something like a Conquests game, I think it would be a case of handing a company a (brilliant) design document and saying, please build this. I think Steve and I love designing too much to work with a big name like her. That said, I'd play the hell out of the game when it came out!

EDIT: To clarify, I say that with no knowledge of how Christy Marx (or another designer I admire like Scott Murphy or Jane Jensen) works, whether it would be collaboratively or what. But I'd be always second guessing my own opinions and thoughts because I hold these people in such high regard and I'd want to do whatever they thought.

Quest for Infamy / Re: I learned something today
« on: May 05, 2017, 03:49:29 AM »
Yeah that's the one. I lose track of what's been found or not!

Quest for Infamy / Re: I learned something today
« on: May 04, 2017, 05:34:14 AM »
The latest Twitch from POS has the easter egg I mentioned.

Quest for Infamy / Re: I learned something today
« on: May 03, 2017, 09:55:46 AM »
Oh. I don't know if there's much left that's not been found. I showed the POS Twitch stream one that hadn't been found the other day.

Quest for Infamy / Re: I learned something today
« on: May 03, 2017, 05:01:27 AM »
Hints to what?

Banter and Chit-Chat! / Re: Episodic King's Quest The Odd Gentlemen.
« on: March 28, 2017, 12:18:08 PM »
I completely agree about staying true to the rules which are already set. Otherwise, why bother playing in someone else's world?

I think Graham could have been expanded a bit, not in the way TOG did though. He's not a hyperactive child. He's a King and before that a Knight. So episode one was before he became a Knight but he still had to show that character to become one. It's just my thoughts and they're worth very little, but I'd have made him an earnest young man who's super serious all the time to the point of fault. Have him develop into a more rounded character as time goes on. That would tie in with the changes his personality went through in the classic games. I'm just spit balling here.

I like AGDI's stuff. I don't like the need to tie everything together into one over-arching story though. Sometimes bad stuff just happens and to be honest, the only really "random" bad thing in the classic series is Alexander being kidnapped. 3-4 flow together, 5-6 flow together.

Banter and Chit-Chat! / Re: Episodic King's Quest The Odd Gentlemen.
« on: March 25, 2017, 07:40:43 AM »
I didn't feel too much for it when it came out, but I've recently played it all again the last few days and I kinda like it now. I've gotta remove from my head the way adventure games were in the 80's/90's because it's not one of those. I truly love the art in the game and the voice pack is second to none for an adventure game (I think only the original Gabriel Knight comes close). Where it falls for me is the characterisation of Graham into a more Guybrush character, but then I think, you know, Graham in the original games kinda sucked so they needed to do something. Graham was a cardboard cutout I AM A KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR figure in the classic games, and that really wouldn't work in immersive storytelling which adventure games are now. I just wish they'd gone less comic, more heroic. Alexander in KQ6 was much more fully formed but Graham never was. I mean he never even blinked when his entire castle was missing!

I've changed my mind a fair bit about TellTale games too over the last year or so. Tales from the Borderlands was the best adventure I've played in years. Game of Thrones was pretty good too. They're not what they were, they're sorta an offshoot of what we used to play (and what I make) but I like them.

A bit of history here for those who care about such things. Our games have always been 320x200, from back in the freeware remake days to Order of the Thorne and Roehm to Ruin. When we started on QFI we very nearly went with a LucasArts style "always on the screen" interface which was why we added 40 more pixels to the height, that way we didn't have to make 320x160 graphics which is very limited. (The combat GUI is a remnant of that LA concept). When we went with the more traditional Sierra pulldown menu we'd already done a large portion of the town and Volksville Woods backgrounds at 240 height so ... we left it. It's actually been hurt us commercially to have it at the weird square resolution it is, I'm not talking millions of sales but we have had consistent feedback that the letterboxing on some monitors was a game breaking issue for some people.

So the side borders is actually what we're trying to do away with, currently the game displays in side borders on tablets which is something we're trying to port to in the near future. Coming back to a more standard 16:9 ratio fixes that as it upsizes properly. The system Steve described above decides where the screen begins it's display. 0,0 or 40,0 or somewhere inbetween, and the game will scroll up and / or down depending on whether we've locked it or not.

~ Shawn

BTW, I think you're drawing a pretty long line to connect changing a change in aspect ratio to censorship! :)

EDIT: It can't be made optional, to answer that question directly. It's a setting within the game engine that can't be changed at runtime.

Banter and Chit-Chat! / Re: A Tale of Two Kingdoms - on Steam Greenlight
« on: February 22, 2017, 05:57:34 AM »
I appreciate the curation issues, Steam is a cesspool of half assed products a lot of the time. Steam Sales are pretty horrible on the wallet, although I don't get to involved in them.

Banter and Chit-Chat! / Re: A Tale of Two Kingdoms - on Steam Greenlight
« on: February 21, 2017, 02:36:06 AM »
I'm not a Mac person by any stretch, but since getting one I can certainly appreciate that it really does just work like it's supposed to a heck of a lot more than my PC does.

Banter and Chit-Chat! / Re: A Tale of Two Kingdoms - on Steam Greenlight
« on: February 20, 2017, 10:58:50 PM »
Off topic a bit but it truly amazes me the sheer number of people who think Steam = DRM.

Banter and Chit-Chat! / Re: TOG King's Quest Chapter 1
« on: December 18, 2016, 05:44:24 PM »
Chapter 1 is definitely the best of them. The other chapters have their moments but they're not as good.

IQ Chat / Re: SQ2 VGA - SQ1 Corridor Easter Egg
« on: November 27, 2016, 07:22:58 AM »
It's too bad social media is killing forums because sometimes the anonymity is nice and forums have far more community-centered functions and features than Facebook or Twitter does.

I agree. Although Facebook groups has a lot of forum features now which is nice.

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