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Merry Christmas from Infamous Quests!
« on: December 23, 2013, 07:02:52 AM »
It's that time of year again when all the silliness comes out, when people crowd into the shopping malls afraid they'll run out of food with the shops closed for a whole day, when we all get a chance to spend some time celebrating the holidays with our friends and family, or just enjoying a day to ourselves. It's at this time of year we all tend to get a little retrospective and look over the last year of our lives and I'm going to take this opportunity to talk about Infamous Quests over the last year. We also look forward to the coming year and plan and hope for even better things.

This year at IQ has been busy! We've worked hard all year on Quest for Infamy and I know personally I'm so darn proud of it. The land of Lornaria is huge and detailed, and all the little bits of back story that Steve  has written for it just brings the whole thing to life in such a vivid way. Every single person on our team has worked hard and produced some amazing work, from backgrounds to music, from animations to backer portraits, every single piece of work in this game is exceptional. I am so looking forward to the early months of 2014 when we release this amazing game and all you wonderful people get to play it.

On the business side of things we've got everything lined up and ready to roll. We're on the top 2 digital distributors around as well as having a publisher for our game, not to mention a marketing team that is so keen to get our game out there. I'm excited about the possibilities for this coming year!

We launched KickstartVentures in April this year and it's been amazing how popular it's been. I've enjoyed watching Broomie who has spearheaded this great site building a great team and I love reading their articles (as well as this I enjoy the occasional creative outlet in writing for the Rabid Penguin Opinion Pieces.) This is an amazing site, and it's growing and there's some exciting ideas and plans in the very near future.

Personally, I've had a huge year, working full time at Infamous Quests with my great friend and colleague Steve, studying history part time at University, and having a second baby! Well technically my wife had the baby, I just do the late night feeds! So it's been a great year!

I wish everyone here a great and blessed Christmas and New Year, and whatever you do this Christmas season have a safe one. We want you around in 2014 to buy our games!

"Any statements made by this member of Infamous Quests is his own personal opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Infamous Quests. Any official statements made about Infamous Quests by this member will be clearly identified as such."

Intendant S

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Re: Merry Christmas from Infamous Quests!
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2013, 11:28:52 AM »
I can say without doubt that QFI is one of the adventures that I'm most excited about. And it's not just because I bought my way into the game.

And I've been having a blast with writing for and helping to run KickstartVentures.  It's amazing to see it become as popular as it has in such a short time.

2014 is going to be a great year, not just for IQ but for the adventure community as a whole.
"Too much spirit can be a dangerous thing. Tends to... infect others."