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The World of Uir
The Lands and People of the "Order of the Thorne" series

The Lands of the Great Realm of Uir

The Wilds -
     The kingdoms that make up the Great Realm of Uir do not necessarily border one another.  More often than not, these pockets of civilization are separated by vast tracks of land simply known as "The Wilds."  The distance between kingdoms can be days or even weeks, and while there are roads through the Wilds, kingdoms joined by these roads seldom take responsibility for them beyond their borders.  The roads found in the Wilds aren't maintained by nor do they fall under the authority of any one kingdom or kingdoms; they merely exist to allow for travel between kingdoms, and nothing more.
     Occasionally, rich merchants and innkeepers will set up shops or provide accommodations for those brave enough to venture into the Wilds.  Typically located where roads cross, these rest areas are usually considered "neutral ground," as somewhat safer areas.  Even then, because these roads fall outside of the jurisdiction of most kingdoms, the Wilds are still dangerous for the average traveler.  The threats to the unprepared traveler are twofold: thieves and brigands eke a meager living by preying on the unfortunate, and the abundance of untamed creatures — many magical, many not — that live in the Wilds; both can make for a journey fraught with peril.
     The inn where Finn meet Brother Eoin is the halfway point between the Kingdom of Rosette and the Faerie Realm — two days travel back east to Rosette, and two days travel west towards the Faerie Kingdom.  (KLY)


Faerie Realm / Faerie Kingdom -
     The land of the Faerie people is filled with great magic, honor, and wonder.  Four days travel to the east lies the Kingdom of Rosette, and further east beyond that is the Kingdom of Stoneland; to the northwest, the Faerie Realm shares a border with the Kingdom of the Spiders, and further west lies the land of Dolleajh.  To the north lies the vast mountain range of the Mirror Mountains; to the south lies the land of Fresel.  Large stone pillars located around the realm mark the borders of the Faerie Kingdom.
     The village of Crann Naoimh, home of the Faerie Court and seat of power, is built around a magical tree located high atop a hill in the heart of the Faerie Realm.  The Great Tree provides for the protection and safety of the Faerie Realm and the King's Court; the tree, in turn, renews its power by feeding upon the energy of the King while sitting on his throne.  The life of the village and tree are bound to the king so long as he sits upon the throne.  All life in the land springs from the Great Tree, and there is an ever-present rainbow over the city — further evidence of the magical nature of this land.  While Faeries are the primary inhabitants, some Humans (Danthians) and Gnomes live there, too; Pixies have also been known to be found in the area.
     The land of the Faerie Realm is mostly forest, with some large crystal outcroppings found immediately to the north and west of Crann Naoimh, likely from large underground caverns and caves beneath the Faerie Realm.  The southern forest is referred to as "Gideon's Grove," in honor of Gideon, a Faerie King of ancient times.  Because of the magic of the land, the trees of the Faerie Realm are rumored to flower all year long.
     To the northeast lies Turtle Lake, a large lake containing the Isle of Honored.  The Isle is a sacred cemetery for those who died defending the Faerie Realm against its enemies.  A river flows southwest out of the lake along the eastern side of the Faerie Realm; it turns due west in Gideon's Grove, bisecting the southern half of the realm and continuing into the Kingdom of the Spiders.  Near the western edge of the lake is the entrance to the large northern swamp — home to raptors and sloths — that meets the Mirror Mountains to the north.  Closer to Crann Naoimh, the Opus Pond can be found south of a grove of trees where a group of Pixies have currently taken up residence.
     While the Faerie Realm has been peaceful for the last century, it is no stranger to war.  The Faerie Civil war occurred long ago; monuments to the fallen who fought for and defended the True King and True Queen can be found on the Isle of the Honored.  In another war, the greatest of the Fae Generals, Preston Leinster, gave his life to defeat the evil Sorceress Abelia to restore peace to the Faerie Realm.  A large statue on the Isle of the Honored is dedicated to General Leinster.
     Of the great Faerie Wars, the most recent took place a little over a century ago: Lord Sinister, an ex-student of the Order of the Thorne, gathered an army to search for the fabled land of Avalon.  In reality, he sowed a path of death and destruction before he and his army stopped at his stronghold in the Mirror Mountains.  To honor those who gave their lives during this war, their names are inscribed upon two large stone pillars outside of the King's Court.  {TKC, BLK, KLY}

Crann Naoimh / The Faerie Village of Crann Naoimh -
     This village is located high atop a hill in the heart of the Faerie Realm, built around the life-giving Great Tree.  The Great Tree feeds upon the energy of the King as he sits upon the royal throne.  In turn, the Great Tree's magical power not only protects the Faerie valley but the other surrounding kingdoms as well.
     No monetary system exists in the Faerie Realm; instead, people barter or trade for the goods and services they need.  The Potions Shop and the recently re-occupied Monastery of the Order of the Thorne are found in the Eastern Section, while the Library and General Store are located in the Western Plaza.  High above in the Great Tree is the "The Faerie Tavern of the Woodland Realm"; also referred to as "Woodland Tavern" and the "Woodlands Tavern," this establishment has served travelers from all periods of Uir's history since time immemorial.  {TKC, BLK}

Forlorn Mountains -
     Located north of the Mirror Mountains and south of the Realm of Nevad 'Yrt Rule, this mountain range surrounds the Land of Sunlight on all sides.  A mountain pass in the north allows for the only conventional entrance into the Land of Sunlight, while for the more adventurous, a series of caves allows passage from the east.  {TKC, KLY}

Fresel -
     This land lies to the south of the Faerie Realm.  The young man and woman having a picnic that Finn meets during the King's Challenge are from Fresel.  {TKC}

Glen Morgana -
     Town in which Donal of Galway once played; Brother Eoin said Donal inspired the Order to continue on when none had the strength to do so.  {TKC}

Mirror Mountains -
     This vast mountain range runs east-west across Uir and bisects the continent in half, from Stoneland in the east to Dolleajh in the west.   Further to the north lies the Forlorn Mountains, within which is located the Land of Sunlight.  Mount Dejardan is one of the highest peaks of the Mirror Mountains.  The final battle of the last great Faerie War also took place here, starting at the base of the Mirror Mountains and ending in Lord Sinister's inner sanctum within his fortress stronghold.  {TKC, KLY}

Mor Claiomh -
     Location of the great castle where the Order of the Thorne was established a millennia ago.  {TKC}

Realm of Nevad 'Yrt Rule -
     One week's journey north of the Kingdom of Sunlight, not much is known about this insular land.  They appear be highly xenophobic, going to great lengths to prevent any foreigners from entering their realm.  The realm trades exotic silks and fine wines with the rest of Uir from the lone outpost located along its southern border.  {KLY}

Rosette / The Kingdom of Rosette -
     This kingdom of Faeries shares a border with the Kingdom of Stoneland along its northeastern side, while the Faerie Realm is located to the west, separated by four days of travel through the Wilds.  The King of Rosette is brother to the King of the Faerie Realm, King Quilhairn.  It is while playing at an Inn somewhere in Rosette that young Finn the Bard hears of the King's Challenge and decides to enter.  The King of Rosette also sends his High Priest, Abdon, to compete in this year's Challenge.  {TKC, KLY}

The Spider Kingdom / The Kingdom of the Spiders / The Kingdom of Spiders / The Spider Dominion -
     Extending into the foothills of the Mirror Mountains that form its northern border, this land shares a border with Faeries Realm along its southeastern side; the land of Dolleajh lies to the west.  The road through foothills is split in two: the Spider Kingdom controls the "Low Road" under the Mirror Mountains, while the pass over the mountains — known as the "High Road" — is under the control of no kingdom.  Due to their common border, the trees of the eastern Spider Forest lead into the western Faerie Woods.
     The Spider people, though highly intelligent and social creatures, are often misunderstood due to their appearance.  They are good neighbors to the Faerie folk, however, and not the monsters some portray them to be.  A proud and peaceful people, they won't attack indiscriminately — only to protect and defend their homes.  {TKC, KLY}

Stoneland / The Kingdom of Stoneland -
     Located in the Mirror Mountains, this land shares a border with the Kingdom of Rosette along its southwestern side; to the east and south of Stoneland lie a great ocean.  The King of Stoneland sent a Knight and Captain, Sir Gauen, to compete in this year's Challenge.  {TKC, KLY}

Sunlight / Land of Sunlight / Kingdom of Sunlight -
     This land is located within the Forlorn Mountains, completely encircled on all four sides; to the south lies the Mirror Mountains, and to the north lies the Realm of Nevad 'Yrt Rule.  Finn once traveled through this most beautiful land — full of breathtaking scenery and friendly people; he hopes to make it back again someday to see his friends.
     However, some one or some thing has recently covered this once-beautiful land in darkness and desolation; suddenly appearing one night, a massive, menacing fortress now towers over the blighted landscape...  {TKC, FOF, KLY}

"Order of the Thorne: The King's Challenge" computer game by Infamous Quests
"Order of the Thorne: The King's Challenge" game manual by Infamous Quests
The Infamous Quests website (especially the Blog posts): ""
     • Including: "Order of the Thorne: Fortress of Fire" promotional materials
Various Q&As and Information from Blackthorne and Klytos of Infamous Quests



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The World of Uir - The Lands and People of the "Order of the Thorne" series
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2016, 05:57:45 PM »
The World of Uir
The Lands and People of the "Order of the Thorne" series

The People of the Great Realm of Uir — Part 1

Order of the Thorne -
     A benevolent and venerable order of knights and monks who protect and guide the people and kingdoms of Uir.  They have pledged their lives to be an active force of good in this world.  Not only are there sword knights who patrol the land to mete out justice and right, but many other professions contribute as well.  The Order also has monasteries in almost every major city in Uir.  The great realm of Uir has prospered under their guardianship over the last millennia, continuing to this day.
     The Order serves a deity called, "The Unknown God."  Some learned scholars believe the Unknown God isn't a specific deity, as such, but rather a placeholder for other gods whose names and natures aren't known.
     By protecting the land and its people, the Order protects something greater as well.  The strict and time-honored Code of Conduct by which all members of the Order live is as follows:
     - To protect the weak and defenseless
     - To give assistance, especially in times of difficulty, to anyone who requires
     - To despise monetary reward
     - To fight for the welfare of all
     - To obey those placed in authority
     - To persevere to the end in any enterprise begun
     - To never refuse a challenge from an equal
     It is considered to be among the highest priorities of the Order to preserve the "Story of Arcturus."  As recounted by Brother Kunchen, of the Monastery at Crann Naoihm:
     Over a millennia ago, Uir was a young world full of chaos and strife.  The people of Uir were divided into warring tribal factions, with each group unwilling to trust one another.  Greed and jealousy drove much of the problems.
     From the north came a simple man.  Unable to explain his origins, he carried with him only a simple sword.  Despite this, he was able to gather the greatest warriors of every nation to follow him.  After finishing the final fight, he and his twelve knights put an end to war between the great nations of Uir. 
     He and his knights built the great castle at Mor Claiomh, and founded the Order of the Thorne there.  Arcturus knew that the various kingdoms would need an independent group to protect and promote the best interests of the people of Uir, to provide protection, solace, and wisdom.  Thus, the Order was created: knight and monks swearing loyalty to all and holding themselves to the highest codes of conduct.  Arcturus's banner — a sword entwined by a vine with thorns — inspired his followers to take it as their own.  The founders of the Order were similarly inspired, calling themselves 'The Thorne.'  Monasteries and great halls representing the Order soon spread across Uir, with some even reaching the highest peaks of the Mirror Mountains.
     Though Arcturus stayed with the Order for over 200 years, he still aged as any man does— albeit more slowly, in his case.  Eventually, the day came when he felt his time in Uir was past due.  Walking away from the castle at Mor Claiomh, he was never to be seen again.  The only clue of his destination was a letter written to his first commander, Regent, that was discovered years later.  In it, Arcturus explained that he needed to turn to an unknown place called 'Avalon,' to 'take the boat home,' as it were.
     Though many have searched for the fabled land of Avalon — a realm beyond the natural laws of the world of Uir — its true location remains shrouded in mystery to this day.  Over the intervening years, despite the best efforts of adventurers and scholars, none have been able to find anything about Avalon.  {TKC}


Abdon -
     One of the seven competitors for the "King's Challenge," this Faerie holds the position of High Priest for the Kingdom of Rosette.  He was send by King Quilhairn's brother, the King of Rosette, to participate in the challenge.  Abdon's haughty and superior attitude does little to endear himself to the people of the Faerie Kingdom or the other challengers.  {TKC}

Arcturus -
     This mysterious man from the unknown land of Avalon came to Uir a millennia ago with only a simply sword in hand.  After gathering followers and uniting the warring lands of Uir, he eschewed conquest; instead, he and the twelve greatest knights founded the Order of the Thorne at their great castle at Mor Claiomh.  Designed to serve and protect the people of Uir, the Order consists of knights, monks, and laypeople all following the highest codes of conduct.  After two centuries of service, Arcturus decided it was time to return home and was never seen again.  However, this hasn't stopped the people of Uir from searching for Arcturus's mysterious homeland of Avalon.  {TKC}

Ardaigh -
     A Faerie artist and painter by trade, Ardaigh is the daughter of Elka. She often wanders the Faerie Realm, gaining inspiration for her artwork while gathering supplies from nature.  Though she hasn't spoken since she was a child, she loves music and brings her mother nothing but joy.  She and her mother live in a house just below the tavern in Crann Naoimh.  {TKC}

Aoife / Grand Master Aoife -
     She is the current Grand Master, leader of the Order of the Thorne.  {TKC}

Caradoc / Brother Caradoc -
     A Knight of the Order of the Thorne, Brother Caradoc is paired with his young squire, Patrick.  After Brother Eoin fails to make contact with Grand Master Aoife, she instructs Sir Caradoc and Patrick to search for Brother Eoin in the Kingdom of Sunlight and discover the cause of the chaos there.  However, upon exiting the cave entrance to the Kingdom of Sunlight, a vicious enemy captures Caradoc and injures Patrick, knocking him unconscious.  Once Patrick regains consciousness, he grabs his Squire's Kit and Caradoc's fallen sword, vowing to rescue his Master...  {TKC, FOF}

Choden / Brother Choden -
     Choden was the previous Monk to represent the interests of the Order of the Thorne in the Faerie Realm. After his premature death, the monastery in Crann Naoihm lay vacant for quite some time until Brother Kunchen was assigned there a few months back.  Unbeknownst to the Order, the Vesparum were responsible for Choden's death.  {TKC}

Chucker -
     One of the seven competitors for the "King's Challenge," Chucker is a native of the Faerie Realm and a first-time quester.  Though he has no experience at adventuring, he thinks it might be fun, but his lack of confidence lets him down early in the challenge — Chucker doesn't make it past the fountain outside of the Faerie Court!  {TKC}

Donal of Galway -
     Father of Finn, Donal was an Eiukian bard who helped the Order of the Thorne whenever and wherever he could — and as a friend to the Order, he served it well: according to Brother Eoin, his music inspired the Order at Glen Morgana to continue on when none had the strength to do so.  Brother Kunchen also spent much time with him during their on-going battles against evil; he was the finest musician and composer that Kunchen had ever met, and the stories he wove into songs are those of legends.  Donal lost his life some time before the events of the most recent "King's Challenge."  {TKC}

Elder -
     This diminutive Elf runs the Library located in the Western Plaza in Crann Naoimh.  A fount of wisdom and information, Elder's favorite saying is, "Knowledge is power!"  {TKC}

Elka -
     She is the Faerie who currently owns the "Woodland Tavern" high atop the Great Tree in Crann Naoimh.  She serves food and drink there, as well as offer lodging for the weary traveler.  She and her daughter, Ardaigh, live in a house just below the tavern.  {TKC}

Eoin / Brother Eoin -
     A Monk of the Order of the Thorne, Brother Eoin meets young Finn at the inn in the Wilds between Rosette and the Faerie Kingdom.  Eoin tells Finn that he once heard Donal of Galway (Finn's father) play in Glen Morgana, where Donal inspired the Order to continue when none had the strength to do so.  {TKC}
     After meeting Finn, Eoin continues to make his way to the Kingdom of Sunlight; once there, he was to investigate the disturbing rumors of darkness befalling that land and a massive fortress appearing overnight.  After failing to make contact with the Order, Grand Master Aoife sends Knight Brother Caradoc and his young squire, Patrick, after Eoin to discover the cause of the chaos.  {FOF}

Esmeralda / Queen of the Spider People -
     Her true name in her native language is difficult to pronounce, so she has chosen the name "Esmeralda" when speaking with those in the common tongue.  To keep the contestants within the Faerie Realm, she promised the Faerie King that none would be allowed to pass into the Kingdom of Spiders; to honor her friend's request, Esmeralda has taken it upon herself to personally guard the border.  {TKC, BLK}

Faolan -
     One of the seven competitors for the "King's Challenge," this Faerie adventurer and ex-warrior is a friend of the Faerie Realm.  Born and raised in Crann Naoihm, Faolan left home as a young Faerie to travel Uir and has had many, many tremendous adventures — of which he'll gladly tell, just ask him!
     It was Faolan who defeated the evil Lord Sinister — the scariest man Faolan had ever met.  Tales of that legendary exploit are still told in taverns throughout Uir to this day; however, Faolan would much rather hang out in taverns, drinking and telling stories, than do any real adventuring.  In truth, despite all of his bluster and bravado, Faolan hides a shameful secret.  {TKC}

Ferryman -
     A solemn man of few words, it is his honor and sacred duty, as was his family's before him for generations, to guide and protect passengers across Turtle Lake to the Isle of the Honored.  For only a single gold coin, he grants passage to those wishing to pay their respects; however, each passenger is allowed only a single trip each day.  {TKC}

Finn the Bard -
     A young Eiukian bard following in the footsteps of his father, Donal of Galway.  Finn hopes to win this year's King's Challenge, and along the way, gain inspiration to compose the greatest ballad ever written: a magnum opus to honor his father's legacy and sacrifice.  While playing at an Inn somewhere in Rosette, Finn hears of the Challenge and begins the journey to Crann Naoimh.  Along the way, he is waylaid by bandits in the Wilds between the two kingdoms; he is left with only his lute, his songbook, and his traveling clothes (which he was wearing at the time).  Despite this setback, Finn is one of the seven competitors for the "King's Challenge."  {TKC, BLK}

Gauen -
     One of the seven competitors for the "King's Challenge," Sir Gauen is a Knight and Captain of the Kingdom of Stoneland.  While he is the bravest and most feared knight in his land, his impatience and belligerent ways often get him into trouble during the challenge.  {TKC}

Gideon -
     A Faerie King from ancient times.  In his honor, the southern forest of the Faerie Kingdom is often referred to as Gideon's Grove.  {TKC}

Glenda -
     This Faerie runs the Potions Shop in the Eastern Section of Crann Naoimh; despite her stunning beauty, known throughout the Faerie Realm, she is actually quite lonely.  {TKC}

"Order of the Thorne: The King's Challenge" computer game by Infamous Quests
"Order of the Thorne: The King's Challenge" game manual by Infamous Quests
The Infamous Quests website (especially the Blog posts): ""
     • Including: "Order of the Thorne: Fortress of Fire" promotional materials
Various Q&As and Information from Blackthorne and Klytos of Infamous Quests



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The World of Uir - The Lands and People of the "Order of the Thorne" series
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2016, 05:58:33 PM »
The World of Uir
The Lands and People of the "Order of the Thorne" series

The People of the Great Realm of Uir — Part 2

Helena / Queen Helena -
     As beautiful as she is wise and clever, the Faerie Queen is much beloved by her subjects.  Her love of the King's Challenge is rivaled only by her husband's, and she jumped at the chance to take part in this year's challenge.  She is truly the King's match, equal, and muse.  She is not only smart and cunning, but also compassionate, often protecting others before her own safety.  Though she is said to be shy, Esmeralda has never known that to be true; they often chat when the Faerie Queen takes walks around her realm.  {TKC}

Kunchen / Brother Kunchen -
     A Monk of the Order of the Thorne, this older Human (Danthian) was sent to Crann Naoimh by Grand Master Aoife herself.  Since Choden's passing, the monastery there had remained vacant for some time.  By the time Finn begins the King's Challenge, Kunchen has been in Crann Naoimh for a few months, busily repairing the monastery in the Eastern Section of Crann Naoimh.
     In his youth, he played the strings and composed music with the ferocity of a man possessed.  It was Kunchen who wrote the well-known song, "Blessings of Mead" — but every version of that song is actually a variation of his original composition, "The Truth in Mead."  {TKC, BLK}

Patrick / Squire Patrick -
     A Squire of the Order of the Thorne, Patrick is paired with the Knight Brother Caradoc.  After Brother Eoin fails to make contact with Grand Master Aoife, she instructs Sir Caradoc and Patrick to search for Brother Eoin in the Kingdom of Sunlight and discover the cause of the chaos there.  However, upon exiting the cave entrance to the Kingdom of Sunlight, a vicious enemy captures Caradoc and injures Patrick, knocking him unconscious.  Once Patrick regains consciousness, he grabs his Squire's Kit and Caradoc's fallen sword, vowing to rescue his Master...  {FOF}

Pixies -
     Mischievous — some say annoying — winged creatures about the size of a small book.  They are prone to playing pranks on everyone they meet, and are especially adept at theft for their own amusement.  They currently live in a magical tree within a grove located north of the Opus Pond in the Faerie Realm.  {TKC}

Quilhairn / King Quilhairn -
     Ruler of the Faerie Realm, the Faerie King is much beloved by his subjects: brave, strong, and wise.  Once every ten years, the Faerie King devises a renowned contest of cunning and bravery.  The prize is always one wish — whatever is within the King's power to grant — and the title of "Champion of the Faerie Realm."  It was a tradition started by his great-great-grandfather as a way to instill vigilance, heroism, and service during times of peace, not only for the Faerie Realm but for all of Uir.  Quilhairn's life energy is also the source of power for the magical Great Tree, which protects Crann Naoimh and the entire Faerie Realm.  {TKC}

Red / Red Rose -
     Red and her friend, Snow White, are two of the seven competitors for the "King's Challenge"; together, these Eiukian magic users have made it their life's mission to help others — whether it's wanted or not.  Because of their overzealous nature, they sometimes overlook the wishes of those whom they are "helping."  {TKC, BLK}

Regent -
     A member of the Order of the Thorne, Regent was Arcturus's first commander around the time of his disappearance.  Before disappearing for good, Arcturus wrote Regent a letter stating that it was time for his to return home to Avalon; discovered years later, this letter triggered a search for Arcturus's fabled homeland that continues to this day.  {TKC}

Sinister / Lord Sinister -
     A powerful warlord and enemy of the Order, Sinister was rumored to be a great warlock as well.  Over a century ago, while a student of the Order, he eventually went mad searching for Avalon — which he believe held the secret of Arcturus's great power.  Promising a better world to come once Avalon was located, Sinister used his power, charm, and wit to gather an army of followers that rivaled the Order itself.  Unfortunately, his search only brought strife and destruction across Uir as cities and villages were destroyed by his mad quest.  He also created — some say conjured — an army of Vesparum soldiers to carry out his most foul of tasks.
     Sinister was thought to have been defeated by the Faerie Warrior, Faolan, but in truth, Sinister merely disappeared when Faolan entered the room.  As recounted by the crestfallen Faolan:
     Faolan and his fellow soldiers reached the stronghold and fought their way to the inner sanctum; Faolan entered first and saw Sinister in the middle of some arcane ritual.  Faolan was petrified — frozen in place by cowardice.  When Sinister move to attack, he suddenly disappeared, as if sucked out of the room by magic — all the while shrieking and screaming, "This isn't Avalon!"  Then he was gone; his cloak and armor were all that remained of Lord Sinister.  When Faolan's fellow soldiers came in and saw the remains, they assumed Faolan had killed Sinister — an assumption that Faolan failed to correct...  {TKC}

Skelton the Gnome -
     Rude, ungrateful, ornery, and conniving, this Gnome violently guards his ill-gotten treasure hidden in an old tree in the southeastern forest of the Faerie Realm.  Much to his chagrin, however, Snow and Red have chosen him to be the object of their 'assistance' during the King's Challenge.  Skelton claims to have a cousin that lives up in the Mirror Mountains.  {TKC}

Snow / Snowy / Snow White -
     Snow and her friend, Red Rose, are two of the seven competitors for the "King's Challenge"; together, these Eiukian magic users have made it their life's mission to help others — whether it's wanted or not.  Because of their overzealous nature, they sometimes overlook the wishes of those whom they are "helping."  {TKC, BLK}

Stefan -
     This Faerie is the owner of the Crann Naoihm's General Store, which is located in the Western Plaza.  The shopkeeper has a wife and two children, George and Gracie.  He may come across as grumpy at times, but that's because he has little patience for fools.  {TKC}

Tanean / General Tanean -
     After the Faerie Queen was found at the end the King's Challenge, this unknown antagonist sent Vesparum forces to capture her.  Upon hearing of their failure, he mentions that their master — also unknown — will be most displeased.  Next, he sends the Vesparum to the Mirror Mountains, where they...  {TKC}

Ted / Fisherman Ted -
     This Human (Danthian) fisherman is hopeless in love with Glenda, owner of the Potions Shop, but is heartbroken because he can't truly express his love for her — not by song and not with roses.  Often found at Turtle Lake, Ted prefers to fish using a net, and despite his constant bickering with Turtle, they are actually the best of friends.  {TKC, BLK}

Turtle -
     Simply referred to as "Turtle," this large chelonian is Ted's fishing partner.  With over a century of experience, Turtle offers helpful advice on how to navigate the swamp, as well as teach a song to calm swamp raptors — or at least the female raptors.  Often found at Turtle Lake, he prefers to fish using a pole, and despite his constant bickering with Fisherman Ted, they are actually the best of friends.  {TKC}

Vesparum -
     Purely evil creatures created to do Lord Sinister's bidding during the last great Faerie War.  Described as a cross between angry wasps and the Faerie folk, it was theorized that Sinister infused Faerie blood with that of other creatures, resulting in these nasty abominations.  Thankfully, they have not been seen since the end of the last great Faerie War a century ago...  {TKC}

Yamma Uba / The Seer -
     Not much is known about this mysterious soothsayer, other than she knows what is and what will be — should one be patient enough and willing to listen to her.  Her hut in located in the north of the Swamp.  Among the many magical items that Yamma Uba has in her hut are the feathers of a Phoenix in a cage on her workbench.  {TKC}

Faolan's Astounding Tales of Adventure!

     Among Faolan's many stories of adventure:

     • After a night of too much mead, Faolan and Donal of Glondor managed to steal a Golden Chicken from a giant!

     • In the land of Longo, Faolan saved a magic bluebird from a Crocotaur — truly the definition of terror on four legs!

     • Faolan rode a Garfim from the Silver Spire of Syrinda to the Bay of Huegonia in two days — normally a three-day trip!

     • Faolan had tea and biscuits with Brother Niall on the top of Mount Dejardan in the Mirror Mountains; there, Brother Niall taught him the secrets of combat unknown since the time of Arcturus!

     • Faolan once ate a meal at a restaurant well past midnight — he got indigestion, and it was terrible.

     • In the Kingdom of Agnaught, Faolan had too much Naught Draught and became sick; the giant Scnarghs want to fight him, so Faolan used his vomit as a weapon — the Scnarghs were so disgusted that they passed out.

     • Faolan once went shopping with a female companion — he barely escaped with his life.

     • Even with his head stuck in a jar of peanut butter, Faolan still managed to defeat the Hideous Bugbear of Blaeven!

"Order of the Thorne: The King's Challenge" computer game by Infamous Quests
"Order of the Thorne: The King's Challenge" game manual by Infamous Quests
The Infamous Quests website (especially the Blog posts): ""
     • Including: "Order of the Thorne: Fortress of Fire" promotional materials
Various Q&As and Information from Blackthorne and Klytos of Infamous Quests



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You know one thing I loved about Grimm fairy tales when I grew up? The shear number of tiny kingdoms and people across this world, the times of the tales, the mystery, and adventure, the opportunities and the wisdom of the people.  I think they should be required reading in grade school for children un propagandized, un annotated, so the children can come to there own interpretation.

Such a world as that of the brothers, would truly be heaven in my view, a paradise, a thinking mans eden, even in its more horrifying aspects.

That's part of the appeal of adventure games in my view.

Why I never liked the total sam and max approach, that's like an allegory for a way of thinking in fiction that never appealed to me much. It defeats the point of the time playing, in a way sam and max is probably to close to real life in the thinking of people, in a way or makes about as much sense these days from the point of view of new comedy films and books.

Its not even funny because everything is expected to be a joke, even when taken seriously, your never surprised with real humor you see and honest laughter? It just makes you tired, trying to play it and you cant take the characters seriously so you don't care what happens to them one way or the other. Your like whats the point?

I guess to me there is little difference in playing an adventure game and reading a fantasy novel besides the interaction. I take it seriously as art and take the same pleasure in it.

Fleshing out the characters history in the land the developed geography, that's always gave me a kick, like the author of wicked did with oz.
I am a one note man, I play it all I can.