Author: Shawn Mills

Leonard Nimoy

Let me start off this blog post with an admission. Although the passing of Leonard Nimoy isn’t exactly adventure game related, it is something I feel some emotion about because his death this morning brought to mind my formative years and the inspirations I have which led me to a career in making adventure games. […]

Countdown to More Infamy! 24 hours to go!

Magic! Mystical Lockpick! Flaming Vengeance! Icy Shards! Take Inanimate Object! They’re all useful spells and we’re very happy with the way the magic system works in Quest for Infamy. But two of those spells, Mystical Lockpick and Take Inanimate Object always bothered us a little. We felt the way we set those two spells up […]

Countdown to More Infamy! T-Minus 4 Days!

It’s nearly here! Are you excited? We sure as heck are, that’s for sure and we’ll be blogging each day till Friday’s release. So once again here’s the 30 second trailer. Enjoy! This patch/update is pretty huge and we’re sure you’re going to love it, so while we’re getting the final few “i’s” crossed and […]

Update on QFI 1.1 Patch

Hey guys, just wanted to update you on the patch. Man, it’s looking good! After a few weeks rest to catch our breath, then a couple of cases of flu and a hell of a lot of catch-up on real life, Steve and I are in the final push to get this patch done. Here’s […]